Jan 08, 2008 15:58
Maybe. I'm not a fan of resolutions, but I have decided to make some changes in my life. One is to start taking some real responsibility about my diet. I always notice that I put on weight and am never hungry while I am at my parents' house and I always loose the weight I gained when I come back to the UK. Now I know that doesn't sound like a real problem, but I have been underweight most of my life. Now that I'm up to 115-120 I would like to keep it that way, but do it in a healthy way. This means eating 3 meals a day. For the past month I was lucky if I ate one meal aside from dinner. Now it will be 3, even if breakfast and lunch aren't anything complicated or large. Improvement number two is to stop taking Migraine Excedrin. I've taken 2+ a day for the past 8 years or so. In addition to the horrible damage I've probably caused my liver (or kidney, I can never remember which), I've changed my brain chemistry and screwed with my pain receptors. So over the next month I plan to cut down and eventually take no aspirin whatsoever.
I'm sure I could think of more life improvements, but those are the two most important.
Aside from that, not a whole lot is going on around here. I'm just counting down the days to February . . . because hopefully everything will be normal again . . . Oh, and only one month until my 24th birthday!