Jun 24, 2006 09:51
Well, I figure if you like someone, you should ask them if they want to hang out right? Well that's kinda hard when the person you like is always busy and you haven't gotten up the courage to ask them properly. I think it's considered one of those "it ended before it started" things. anywho I always pictured myself as the single one in my group of friends anyway. Some things are just not ment to be. Then again there is an upside. I could always do that noise you hear on Full House whenever someone is kissing. You know the "ooooOOOOOoooo"... Yeah I do watch too much tv.
Work is annoying the only day I have off this week is Wednesday, and that day I have Art right in the middle of it. Then I won't get another day off until the fallowing Tuesday. Sure I'm complaining now but I'll get over it by the next time I work. I just hope I don't get any really stupids, or any creapeole. (creapy and people, put together) Speaking of Wednesday is there a plan? I'll be in touch!!!