Dear Podficcer

Oct 14, 2016 12:23

Dear Podficcer,

I'll start by saying that I'll definitely enjoy anything you make for me, so don't worry about not hitting any/all of my likes/kinks listed below.

I'm really easy to please, I've listened to all kinds of podfic genres (only within the Teen Wolf fandom so far) and I'm not easily squicked. That said, below I've listed some things I especially enjoy. You can either use them as inspiration to find a fic you think I'll like, or you can just record anything else you've enjoyed in the past (or have been wanting to record) and I'm sure I'll like that too. :)

I like being introduced to fics through podfic, though, so if you could record something that hasn't been recorded before and that I haven't read yet, that would be awesome! I have read a lot (of TW), however, so if you can't think of anything new to me, that's fine too. ♥ Here are my AO3 bookmarks, where anything I've read in the Teen Wolf fandom should be bookmarked.

Now, for my preferences...

Fandoms (Number One Preference)

- Teen Wolf

Other fandoms (in order of preference; that I'm familiar with and enjoy but have never listened to podfic of, yet wouldn't mind receiving if you're not inspired to do Teen Wolf)

- Big Time Rush
- Black Sails
- White Collar
- Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
- Harry Potter
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Lord of the Rings
- Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters

Things I like:

- great AUs (can be something as simple as coffee shop or college AU but I really enjoy the more unexpected ones)
- canon is great too, though, and anything in between
- A/B/O
- pining & UST (that's eventually resolved)
- misunderstandings
- angst
- hurt/comfort
- prostitution
- PLOT (yes, I realize I can't ask you to podfic a super-long fic with lots of plot, but I usually prefer plot/romance/emotions over something that's just sex)
- getting-together fics (over established-relationship)

I can't think of anything else right now but I really just... enjoy well-written fics of any kind. Just... anything. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment to this post (anonymous commenting is enabled, I think), and I'll get back to you right away if you want to ask me about any specific pairings/kinks/details. :D

Things I don't like all that much:

- mpreg
- main character death (as in, one of the two people in the main pairing)
- graphic non-con (in pairings where it doesn't make any sense - if it's somehow important for the story for some reason, that's fine)

As for pairings...

Teen Wolf

- Derek, Stiles, Chris, Peter, Jackson - in any combination, but mostly: Derek/Stiles, Peter/Stiles, Derek/Jackson, Stiles/Jackson, Chris/Peter
- Allison, Lydia, Erica, Laura, Cora - in any combination, but mostly: Cora/Lydia, Laura/Lydia, Allison/Lydia, Allison/Laura
I also really enjoy:
- Stiles/Danny, Stiles/Allison, Scott/Lydia, Boyd/Erica, Chris/Laura, Chris/Lydia
If you're looking for something incestuous or, uh, less conventional:
- Derek/Laura, Derek/Cora, Peter/Laura, Peter/Cora, Chris/Allison, Chris/Lydia, Peter/Derek, Sheriff/girl!Stiles, Stiles/Melissa, Rafael/Stiles, ...

I think that's it. BUT I'm really, really not picky about pairings, so if the one you want to do isn't on the list, go for it - unless it's Stiles/Scott or prominently features Malia. I'm not a huge fan of her character (though she has grown on me during 6B). I guess I could maybe enjoy her in femmeslash pairings?

Oh, and as for RPS:

- JR, Ian, Tyler, Dylan, Colton, Daniel - pretty much in any combination

Big Time Rush
- James, Kendall, Logan, Carlos - in any combination, but mostly: Kendall/James, Kendall/Logan, James/Carlos, James/Logan
- Camille, Lucy, Jo, Mercedes - in any combination
I also enjoy:
- James/Camille, Kendall/Camille, James/Katie, Jett/Kendall, Jett/James, Dustin/Kendall

Black Sails
- Charles Vane!!! If you record me something Vane-centric, preferably Vane/Flint, I'll love you forever!

White Collar
- Peter/Neal, Matthew Keller/Neal

Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
- Percy/Nico, Jason/Nico
- Any femmeslash

Harry Potter
God, this list is endless cause I love rarepairs but... I'll narrow it down to the ones I enjoy the most:
- Next gen: James/Albus, James/Lily, Teddy/Lily, Teddy/James, Teddy/Albus, Hugo/Rose, Albus/Scorpius, James/Scorpius
- Death Eaters: Lucius, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Macnair, Regulus, Bellatrix - in any combination or with Luna, Pansy, Fleur
- Harry's gen: Harry/Draco, Draco/Blaise, Blaise/Pansy, Harry/Pansy, Harry/Luna, ...
- Femmeslash: Luna, Pansy, Ginny, Hermione, Fleur, Parvati, Padma, ... - in any combination
- Cross gen: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Draco, Harry/any of his kids, Charlie/Harry, Bill/Harry, ...
- Marauders Era: Remus/Sirius, Remus/Severus, Sirius/Regulus, Sirius/James, ...
- Canon: Lucius/Narcissa, Rodolphus/Bellatrix

Note: See, I'm really not picky at all and for daily_deviant, I've drawn and read pretty much any pairing you could possibly imagine - but for some reason, when it comes to HP, I generally prefer darker fics and fucked up relationships that are generally considered "wrong". :)))

Pirates of the Caribbean
- Jack, Will, Norrington - in any combination
- Johnny/Orlando

Lord of the Rings
- Aragorn/Legolas... I don't even remember what else I used to read in this fandom, eek
- Elijah, Billy, Dom - in any combination
- Viggo/Orlando, Orlando/Elijah, ...

Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters
- Magnus/Alec, Jace/Alec, Jace/Simon, Alec/Simon
- and for Infernal Devices: Will/Jem, Magnus/Will

Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to make something for me, and... I hope you find something you can work with and have fun with it! :)


I'd love to give:

- Teen Wolf (if at all possible)

If that isn't possible, I'd be willing to try:

- Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
- Black Sails
- Harry Potter
- White Collar
- Tokio Hotel
- One Direction

Thank you! :)
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