New Year's Resolutions 2016

Dec 31, 2015 03:21

I was looking for my last New Year's resolutions post but apparently I didn't make one last year? Huh.

Well, I am making one this year!

Real Life

  1. Lose weight.
    I make this resolution every year and I'm probably going to keep making it until I reach my weight goal, so... Currently, I'm at 75,5 kg, which is pretty good, considering I was 80kg+ at some point (twice, I think) and my goal weight is still around 65kg. Not sure if I'll reach it this year but as long as I get closer to that goal, I'm happy.
  2. Keep dancing.
    I want to try not to skip even one class, unless I'm actually sick or forced to stay at work longer.
  3. Reduce Coke and Red Bull.
    I've made this resolution before and I never really take it all that seriously but... well, it would be good if I could drink less of that. I do drink more water than I did before but there's much room for improvement.
  4. Quit smoking.
    Yeahhh, still working on that one. I don't see it happening during the first couple of months of the year because until my co-workers leave by the end of February, I'm still gonna go outside for smoke breaks with them regularly, but after that, I'm gonna make a serious attempt to reduce my smoking and eventually quit.
  5. Get up earlier.
    This is sooo hard for me, mostly because I like actually taking advantage of my day when I get back from work and staying up until half past 1 at night, which obviously leads to me not waking up as early as I should. I've been doing better lately, mostly because insane traffic forced me to get my ass out of bed earlier than before but there's room for improvement. Actually always arriving at work at 8.30 instead of 9 is my goal.
  6. Take the bus instead of driving.
    This is one that I'm not entirely sure about because I will have to drive to work no matter what on the days when I go dancing in the evening. Because with the bus, I would have to take several different ones and would probably not make it there on time anyway, so Tuesdays and Thursdays are car days, no matter what. And I already know that if I have to take the car on two days, I won't manage to make myself take the bus on the other days, so the alternative is:
  7. Buy or rent a parking spot.
    I pay way too much for parking every day, so I want to find one that's still conveniently close to work, but will cost less, in the end.

Online & Fandom

  1. Write.
    I'm not sure what kind of goal to set for myself, really, but... I would be happy if I could actually finish a few fics and post them. So maybe I should go with that: Post at least 5 fics this year.
  2. Draw.
    It should be possible for me to at least post one drawing every month. I also want to improve cause I've been stuck at the same level for a while now and I rely too much on reference pics. So I want to work on that.
  3. Keep podficcing.
    I really enjoy doing it, so that shouldn't be a problem. I also want to focus more on lesser known pairings as there's a lot of Sterek podfic out there but not so much Steter, Stackson, Halemore, etc. But I'll obviously still do some of my favourite Sterek fics as well.
  4. Decide what to do about LJ fests & communities I'm supposed to be running.
    The idea of letting someone else take over my fests is kind of heartbreaking but at some point, I need to accept that I no longer have the motivation to actually run those fests and that there are people who want those fests to be run, so I need to either find the motivation to organize these fests or find someone else who'll do it for me.
  5. Read more (books).
    I've been reading and listening to a lot of (pod)fic but I haven't read one single book this year. Which... I think as long as I'm reading, it doesn't matter what I'm reading but Jil keeps bugging me about reading all these books and I keep avoiding to do it, so... maybe I can try to get back into that next year.
  6. Livejournal.
    I want to try to at least make one post every month. Which really isn't much, so that should be doable. Right? RIGHT? And I want to check my flist at least once a week.
  7. Food blog.
    I've been meaning to do that for ages and I cook a lot and sometimes take pictures, so I want to get my recipes up on my cooking blog. I started a new one because I don't like my old one anymore, so... I should get that up and running.

I... can't think of anything else but I think that should be enough for now. :)))

end of the year stuff

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