Teen Wolf Convention... again!

Jul 16, 2015 11:47

It happened the weekend before last in Paris and it was so, so great!

I already typed this post once and was almost done with it and had it here in the LJ editor and figured, when it asks me if I want to restore the draft, I'll just click 'yes', right? So I did, but at some point, it lost the entire fucking post, aaargh! And it was a long one, so I'm kind of frustrated right now but… oh well. Lemme just try to remember everything again. -_-

So, click the spoiler link to read everything about the convention and look at my pretty, pretty pictures and let me tell you all about what happened when I met…

♥ Tyler Hoechlin
♥ Ian Bohen
♥ J.R. Bourne
♥ Dylan Sprayberry
♥ Cody Christian
♥ Arden Cho
♥ Holland Roden
♥ Ryan Kelley
♥ Max Carver
♥ Charlie Carver

[It. Was. AWESOME!]


So! On Friday, the 3rd, my mum and I had the day off, went to the hairdresser (it was necessary for me - I hadn't gone since December… which was incidentally just before my first Teen Wolf con LOL), and then in the evening, took the TGV (train) to Paris. The journey there was kind of awful because it was hot as fuck and for some reason, they didn't think it was necessary to turn on the AC??? Ugh. But we got there in one piece, and took the Métro to the Arc de Triomphe, where my mum thought the hotel was. And it wasn't that far away, but I still had to drag the suitcase through Paris for twenty minutes and in that heat, that wasn't fun.

At the hotel, we ended up getting a room with Eiffel Tower view, which was pretty neat. It was too late to go grab our tickets and stuff, so we just went out for a couple of drinks and then went to bed to get our beauty sleep.


The next morning, we were up and ready at eight to go register, and that all went pretty smoothly. Then we had breakfast, and finally made our way up to the first floor, where the convention was happening.

It began with the opening ceremony, which mostly consisted of the moderator/translator guy telling us what's what and putting down rules and stuff. Then, they showed a little trailer with clips from the show of all the guests and then finally brought in the cast a little after ten.

Our seats weren't that great - we were in row H, so we had lots of big heads in front of us and couldn't see all that well. There were two big screens behind the stage where they sometimes showed what was going on, but most of the time… not. So that wasn't ideal, and my pictures aren't that great but… oh well.

Two minutes later, the cast was gone again because the first autograph session was starting. People were split into two groups, basically - some had their autograph session on Saturday, others on Sunday. Naturally, mum and I had ours on Sunday, which then left us with a couple of hours of nothing to do on Sunday, pffft.

I used this time to buy photos for my autographs and ended up running into mariesen and chatting with her a bit, which was great! :)

Photoshoot: Dylan Sprayberry & Arden Cho

Then, around 12, I had to go take my first pictures. Differently than it was at the convention I went to in Düsseldorf, photos were being taken during the panels, so they announced on the screens behind the stage which groups had to get up and stand in line for the pictures. It worked out pretty well, but it was kind of frustrating not to be able to see the whole panels, you know?

Anyway, I stood in line for a relatively short time and was told to go stand in Dylan Sprayberry's line since it was shorter. When I got to the front, I was told that there would be no hugs or kisses, which is understandable - he's sixteen! At the time anyway. So I approached him, and he was so tiny and adorable I wanted to steal him :3 He seemed kind of reserved and unsure - you could tell that he's not as used to this whole thing yet as others are.

Our interaction was pretty short and uneventful - just the usual "Hi, how are you?s" and when the picture was taken, he said, "Nice to meet you," and that was it.

(you can click to see the huge, full-sized pic)

Then, I stood in Arden's line, and our interaction wasn't much more exciting than the one with Dylan. She's so tiny and beautiful, though, ugh, I look like a whale next to her. LOL! So… yeah.

Panel: Holland Roden, Ryan Kelley, Max & Charlie Carver

I didn't get to see much of this panel, unfortunately, but here are a few pictures I managed to take…

Lunch Break & Tombola

After that panel, we had about 45 minutes for lunch. We obviously couldn't go anywhere fancy, so we just got a few sandwiches, went back to our room to eat them, and then came back for the tombola where you could win a few photoshoots, meet & greets and autographs.

Obviously, I didn't win anything.

Then, there was more waiting, and then…

Panel: Dylan Sprayberry, Cody Christian & Arden Cho

I really don't remember the specifics of what was said during each panel, so I'm gonna skip this part and just show you some pictures…

During that panel, I once again had to leave for two more photoshoots.

Photoshoot: Holland Roden & Tyler Hoechlin

First, Holland. She was making an effort to speak French, so when I went over to her, she was like, "Bonjouuur, comment ça va?" and I was prepared for English, so… I replied in English. LOL Anyway, then she literally just threw her arms around me and threw herself into her pose and I was like, "omg, okay, I'm not ready", and I didn't know where to put MY arms, so… yep. After the picture was taken, she said, "Merci beaucoup," and I was like, "Thank YOU!" and then I left.

And then… Tyler. TYLER WAS THE BEST. I literally died a little. But… okay, let's start at the beginning. So I was standing in line, and got to the front, and the girl taking the tickets was like, "no kisses, no marriage proposals…" And I laughed and she was like, *shrugs* "It happens!" or something.

And then the girl in front of me was done, and I approached Tyler and he turned to me with that beautiful, BEAUTIFUL sunny smile of his, and he was like, "Hi, how are you?", and I was like, "Hi!" and probably a little breathless cause… ugh. Anyway, then he opened his arms and was like, "hug?" and I was like, YES, and then he wrapped his arms around me so gently and pulled me towards him, and I wrapped my arms around him as well. And then we were in that embrace, and he turned his head and looked at me, with his face literally just a few centimeters away from mine - if I'd leaned in, I could've kissed him - and then he looked into my eyes and said, "I like your glasses!"

And I was dead.

I think you can see how happy I was at that moment in the picture, but… god. If he hadn't melted my brain with what he said (and how he looked, and everything), I would've said, "Dude, you have the exact same glasses" or something, but… yeah. Too overwhelmed to say anything except, "thank you."

After the pic, he looked at me again and smiled and said thank you, and I said thank you and… I floated away.

This is literally my favourite picture ever. Ever. Ever ever ever. Ugh.

I was shaking and beaming like an idiot when I got back to my mum, and… I'll never forget that moment, seriously.

Panel: Tyler Hoechlin, Ian Bohen & JR Bourne

Those three together are always fun, and this was the panel I'd been looking forward to the entire time. I was not disappointed. Also, Jesus, look at Ian in that fucking shirt!!! I really would've loved to take a picture with him in that, but sadly, my photoshoot with him wasn't till the next day…

Anyway… again, I don't remember the specifics but… pictures! Lots of them!


In the evening, there was a party but mum and I didn't go to it because it was like, €150 and it didn't seem worth it to spend that much money. So instead, we had pizza on the Champs-Élysées and then walked back to the hotel.


The next day, it again started at 10 with a brief opening ceremony, mostly to inform the people who hadn't been there on Saturday about everything they needed to know.


I wanted to get a couple of autographs for teganscrush, so my mum graciously offered to let me use her her tickets. She was actually glad because it would give her the opportunity to say "they're for a friend" instead of just "hi, how are you" or whatever.

So anyway, we stood in line, and waited. The room was SO CROWDED, it was insane. Finally, we made it to the front of the line and could line up again to get to the individual tables. We started with Sprayberry, since his line was the shortest at the time.

Dylan Sprayberry

Nothing much to say about him because he again seemed very quiet and reserved and didn't really make conversation (unless you initiated it, I guess). We got the standard, "Hi, how are you?" and he signed the autograph, and that was that.

Ryan Kelley

RYAN IS SUCH A SWEETIE, aaaah! Okay, so my mum went first, and we had a little paper with teganscrush's name on it, so he wouldn't write my mum's name, and when she approached and he looked at the paper, he was like, "Hi Candi!" And then mum went on to explain that the autograph is for a friend in the US, etc. and he seemed really interested and was like, "Oh, cool, where in the US?" and, yeah, he was really sweet and easy to talk to. My own interaction with him wasn't that special but… yeah, he was really sweet. :)

Ian Bohen

I have to say that I was a little more charmed by Ian at the last convention. It wasn't that he was rude or anything, but he was less willing to make conversation than in Düsseldorf in September. At least with us, Idk. He did give us his amazingly charming smile, of course, but… yeah. It was over fast.

JR Bourne

JR also called mum Candi before she cleared it up and he was very pleasant and friendly. Also, his smile is just as creepy in real life as it is on the show, hahaha. But he's really nice.

Tyler Hoechlin

Tyler is the absolute sweetest, god. As far as I remember, he also called mum Candi and she explained the whole 'for a friend' thing again. I didn't catch their whole interaction but he seemed extremely impressed that she was giving her autograph to a friend or something, and then he shook her hand??? Ugh, he's just really respectful and perfect and, ugh. I love him. Then it was my turn, and god, I don't even remember what exactly he said to me, but when he handed me the autograph back, we - okay, I know it sounds silly and that probably everyone claims this - but WE TOTALLY HAD A MOMENT. He looked at me with this smile for several seconds, his eyes shining, and… fuck, he's just unbelievably charming.

Charlie Carver

Okay, so remember when I said that I wasn't into the twins? I really wasn't into the twins. I didn't find them particularly attractive, didn't particularly like their characters - on Desperate Housewives or Teen Wolf - and when they were announced for the convention, I was like, meh. I would've rather had just about anyone else as a guest.

BUT. Now, after this convention, I've completely changed my mind about them. They were so much fun to talk to!

So, Charlie. I approached him, and he was like, "Bonjour, comment ça va?" (Did I mention that he's fluent in French? Cause he is). And then he looked down at my name and started writing, and then looked up and said, "Anne… c'est le prénom de ma mère." (It's my mother's first name), and I was like, "Oh, cool!" and… Idk, he didn't say much else, but that alone just kind of made me really like him.

The autographs say:

Candi, I'm sending you big kisses. xx, Charlie
Anne, thanks for everything and big kisses. Forever, Charlie

Max Carver

And then Max. When I approached the table, he looked up at me with this… smolder?? Idk, there really is no other way to describe that look; it was totally seductive, and I was like, 'um, okay, what now?' And then he started writing and when he handed the autograph back to me, he gave me that look again, and I just… what? LOL

And this is what he wrote on the autograph:

Anne! My magnificent flower! Infinite kisses, Max
Candi! Hoping to meet you! Kisses, Max

Either way… I now officially love the Carver twins. Huh.

After this one, my mum had to leave because we were running late and she had to go finish packing our suitcases and checking out and stuff, so she gave me the rest of the autograph pictures and tickets, so that I could get the rest of them on my own.

I don't know how long I stood in Holland's line, but… duuuuuuude. It moved sooooo slooooowly…

Holland Roden

But finally, I got to the front of the table and - Holland was really making an effort to speak French with everyone, which was sweet - and she was like, "Bonjour, comment ça va?" and stuff, and then she signed my autograph and stuff, and then moved on to Candi's, so I explained about it being for a friend in the US, and she was like, "Oh, is your friend French?" and I was like, "No, American…," and then she was like, "But she speaks French." And I was like, "No." And then she was adorably confused, and was like, "But you do." And I was like, "Yes." And then she was like, "And English." And she seemed extremely impressed by this? Idk, but she was adorable. ♥

She still ended up calling me her "French friend", but oh well. :))

Arden Cho

Getting Arden's autograph was pretty uneventful; she was sweet and stuff, but it didn't take particularly long.

Cody Christian

Cody was like, "Hi Candi!" And then I was like, "No." And then he was like, "But…" *points at paper with the name on it* and then I was like, "It's for a friend," and… that was about it.

After that - it probably took about an hour for me to get out of there from when my mum left, but I found her in the main room, talking to mariesen, haha. So we chatted for another few moments, and then had to go sit back down or something…

Panel: Ryan Kelley, Cody Christian & Dylan Sprayberry

Again, no specifics, but here are a few pictures:

During that panel, I once again had to leave for pictures…

Photoshoot: Ian Bohen & J.R. Bourne

First, I went to J.R. He was veeery friendly and… gentle. Idk, he pulled me over to him and was just… gentle. LOL The photographer told me to push a strand of my hair back, so I did, and JR glanced over at me, and when the picture was taken, I said, "Thank you," and he was like, "You're VERY welcome." It was sweet.

After that, I went to stand in Ian's line and… god, he's such a charming bastard. A girl in front of me asked for a picture where they were looking deep into each other's eyes or something, and… fuck, even I melted from my spot in the line!

I went over to him when it was my turn, and he was like, "hug?" and I was like, "yeah!" and then… I touched his hip, like, just… the muscles above his hip? Niiiiiice ;)

Anyway… picture!

Lunch & Tombola

Same as the day before, except this time, we didn't even bother to leave the hotel; just bought a croissant and ate that. LOL Didn't win anything in the tombola this time either.

Anyway, then there was another moment where nothing happened, and then they announced that group pictures were about to be taken on the large screens behind the stage, and then mum was like, "Maybe we should go take a group pic." And I eyed her and was like, "Really. You want to?" And then she changed her mind about 300 times before we finally went and bought the ticket.

Photoshoot: Group

We immediately went and stood in line, and mum was so nervous, it was cute. At that point, I wasn't really nervous at all anymore - which was great! The more pictures you take, the less nervous you are for each one. :)

Anyway, we heard the people before us talk about what kind of picture they want and I was like, "Okay, so what do you want?" And mum was like, "Idk, just… normal?" And I was like, okay. And then, "So, who do you want to stand next to?" And mum was like, "I don't know…" And then I was like, "Dude, it's our turn soon, we need to decide!" And then she was like, "Tyler." And I was like, "Okay, then I'll go sit on the chair then."

So then we approached, and I sat down between Max and JR, and Max looked at me and was like, "What do you want?" And I was like, "Uh… just, smiles." Or something, and then he yelled, "Normal!" And the picture was taken.

Then we got out and then mum told me about how she almost tripped over something on her way to Tyler and that Ian apparently muttered like, "Oh god," or something, and… now she doesn't particularly like him anymore. LOL! I'm sure it was just the, "Oh my god, be careful," sort of "Oh god," but… well.

Anyway, and then she asked me, "Do you have any idea who was on my other side? I completely ignored them!" And I was like, "Idk, I was in the front… Ryan?" LOL!! It was cute; she only had eyes for Tyler - and who can blame her? ;)

It's such a great picture, though, right??

After that, it was time fooor...

Panel: Arden Cho & Holland Roden

Just a couple of pics cause I'd forgotten to charge my battery and I wanted to save the rest of the next panel…

Again, I had to leave during this panel to go take my last picture...

Photoshoot: Ryan Kelley

RYAN IS SO AWESOME. I approached him and he was so smiley and happy and awesome, and after saying hi, he said, "hug?" And I said, "yeah," and then he just grabbed me and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I mean, you can see how tightly he's holding me! It was awesome. :)))

Then I went back to my mum; the Holland/Arden panel was over at that point, I believe - or almost.


Panel: Tyler Hoechlin, Ian Bohen and JR Bourne

And finally...

Panel: Max Carver and Charlie Carver

Unfortunately, my camera died sometime during the JR/Ian/Tyler panel, so I couldn't take pictures of the twins. :( Oh well. The panel was still extremely amusing.

Then, there was a brief-ish closing ceremony and then, the convention came to an end.

Mum and I left that same evening; we took the Métro back to the train station, hung out there a little, and then took the train back home. :)))

If you want to see more pictures, check out my album on FLICKR.

And now… Ughhh, I already miss them and now I'm eyeing the convention in Brussels in September. It's an addiction, seriously. And a pretty expensive one too, but… also totally worth it, as far as I'm concerned. I had such a great time, even though at this convention, I felt like there was a lot of waiting and I didn't see as much of the cast as I did in Düsseldorf in December.

I was going to make another post comparing the two conventions I've been to so far, both price-wise and organization-wise, so if you're interested in that, look out for my next post~

rl: meeting celebrities, rl: adventures, fandom: teen wolf, rl: picspam

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