New Year's Resolutions 2012 & 2013

Jan 02, 2013 01:08

I would call 2012 a very successful year since I actually managed to stick to some of my New Year's resolutions! Go me! :)

  • Lose weight - for real, this time. 10-15 kg
    → Yes! I actually finally managed to lose some weight :) I started out at 83,something kg in January and when I weighed myself last night, I was at 73,something kg, so... yes! I've managed to lose 10 kg last year and I'm ridiculously proud of myself :)))
  • Eat more healthily
    → Sort of? I still need to stop drinking as much Coke and Red Bull as I do at the moment, but I think I've managed to change my eating habits a little at least :)
  • Reduce smoking
    → I did this for a while, yeah, but in the end, I still ended up smoking just as much as before, so... no.
  • Study seriously, so that I can keep my job...
    → Yes! Well, I've passed my exams, so I guess it's the end result that counts ;)
  • Go out sometimes
    → Nope. Didn't really have the desire to go out, so I didn't.
  • Keep boyfriend ;)
    → LOL No. Didn't really want him as much as I thought I did after all, so... I broke up with him in February, I think.
  • Start going to the gym/some other sporty activity
    → I did do a lot of Wii Fit for a while but then I gave up on that. But I'd like to start again because even though it may not be as effective as other types of sport, it still helps a little :)
  • Go out with new friends from INAP
    → Did that for a while, but since we all work in different places now, it's kind of hard to stay in touch. I do still have lunch every day with one of those friends, so that's something, I guess.
  • Rekindle old friendships
    → Yeah, no, that didn't really work out. In fact, I'm pretty sure all my old friendships (except the one with Jil) are over now. Which is sad, but... since we didn't manage to stay in touch, maybe it just wasn't meant to be.


  • Find a way to make real life and fandom work together
    → Worked out pretty well, yes.
  • Write more
    → Yes! More on my 2012 word count later, but... yes. It definitely worked :)
  • Draw more and improve
    → I ended up drawing a lot less than the years before, but I think I improved a little.
  • Become a better LJ friend
    → Umm... not really. Sorry :(
  • Read more
    → Ha! No. Well, I did read quite a lot of fanfiction last year, but no books. Well, about 3 books, which is really quite sad. But maybe this year.
  • Reorganise my online life - clean up accounts and stuff...
    → I did do that. It's still kind of messy and it's time to do it again, I think, but... it's better than it used to be. I deleted a few accounts on sites I never use, so...

  • Lose more weight. My goal, at the moment, is 65 kg. I have to drop another 8 kg to reach that goal and I think it's doable.
  • Drink less Coke and Red Bull; more water.
  • Quit smoking at some point. I'd like to reduce it slowly and eventually quit, possibly next fall when the new smoking laws (probably) become effective.
  • Stop driving to work and take the bus regularly.

  • Keep writing.
  • Keep drawing and improving.
  • Get back into LJing.
  • Read more (books).
  • Run at least one round for each one of my fests.

end of the year stuff

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