I'm supposed to be studying...

Sep 20, 2012 18:17

...so of course I feel the need to update!

I've been meaning to update for a while, but since I've been studying for my exams (which I'm in the middle of right now) non-stop, I didn't really feel like doing much in the evening. So I've mostly been lazying (is that even a word?) on Tumblr.

[Of sickness and studying, beautified with a few gifs~]

I've just come back from the otolaryngologist's (and what kind of word is that, seriously? In Luxembourgish, it's just called a throat-nose-ear doctor, haha!) because, surprise, surprise, I got sick on Monday. I never get sick. I'm not one of those people who have a cold every other week and run to the doctor constantly - no, I'm one of those who get sick just when I'm not supposed to.

So... Woke up on Monday morning with a sore throat. Got better during the day. On Tuesday, it got worse. Then worse on Wednesday. This morning, I wanted to kill myself because it wasn't just my throat that hurt like fuck, but also my ear and my head. So... yay! Excellent state for someone who has to write an exam. -_- So my mum got called the otolaryngologist and got me a appointment for this afternoon, which I just went to.

Basically, everything in my nose-ear-throat area is slimy and disgusting, haha :P No, but apparently, I have the beginnings of a... *consults dictionary* middle ear inflammation? and the beginnings of a... tonsillitis?

So... yeah. Fun! -_- And I've got three more exams to write tomorrow, so let's hope I don't wake up with a horrible fever tomorrow morning, and that these antibiotics that I'm going to take right now are gonna help. And whoa, these pills are fucking huge! O_o And now I need to put some... drops into my nose that have iodine in them, so that'll probably be really uncomfortable. Ew. *does it now* (yes, I'm liveblogging med-taking *facepalm*)

Okay, that was only half as gross as I thought it would be.

But... anyway. I'll make another post this weekend or whenever. Really trying to get back into LJing. Tumblr has ruined me, though. I've become too lazy to type an actual entry and would rather just tell you everything with gifs.

Right. Now I should get back to studying. Three more. THREE MORE. I can do this. I can totally do this. *nods* But seriously, I've been studying a lotlotLOT these past three weeks, and the four exams I've had so far went from semi-well to REALLY well, so... let's hope it works out this time, yeah? Cause if it doesn't... it's over. And I'll have to start from scratch and figure out what to do with my life and will forever hate myself because any job I could get after this one will be way less well-paid. But at the same time, I'll be like...

So... yeah. Back to studying.

Also! Huge thanks to teprometokitty_ficmcpofifemaschapluis and kseenaa for the V-gifts, nditsjustmyselfhpfangirl71em_rose483chantefable for the birthday PMs that I will reply to this weekend, and to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or email. YOU'RE ALL SO GREAT! while I am really really shitty and always forget people's birthdays eeeeek! will try to change that in the future.

And how much are we loving the new LJ updater? Wee!

Okay, I'm off.

gif posts, rl: health, rl: studying

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