After a week of school break, I was motivated to start over and take school more seriously. Until last night, that is. I'd packed my school bag and was getting ready to go offline when I suddenly started feeling extremely weepy. I couldn't sleep, wasn't tired because in the last week, I'd fallen into my usual sleeping rhythm (between 5 and 7 am - around 2 pm).
So Candi told me to go to sleep, and I did... and then I started sobbing for no reason. I was just so... sad. I still can't explain it and I have no idea why. When I'd calmed down a little, I turned my laptop back on and went back to RPing with Candi, deciding that I wasn't gonna go to school today. I have two tests this week, and I haven't studied at all. Why do I do something like that? I could kick myself, honestly.
I did nothing last week, even though I'd really planned to take care of stuff.
So... yeah. I went to bed at 5 am, couldn't sleep till 6, got up at 6.45, pretended to go to school, drove around for a couple of hours until it was safe to come home, knowing that my mother had left in the mean time, and... yeah. Now I'm at home again. I don't even want to know how many hours I've missed already, this school year.
But I swear to myself that I'm going to get stuff done today. So... yeah. A To Do List, cause I obviously can't do anything without it.
Okay, usually, I end up completely disregarding my to do lists, but... whatever. XD
Sucky Stuff
+ Study for French test (it's tomorrow)
+ Study for DROFI test (it's on Wednesday)
+ Check if all my school stuff is in order
+ Read novel I need to review for newspaper (--> page 150, at least)
+ Reply to newspaper editors email which I've been ignoring for days
+ Laundry
Fun Stuff
+ Do modly stuff for
hp_emofest+ Work on
daily_deviant drawings
+ Dance around naked
+ I was kidding about the last one :P
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