"Über uns das All" is about the imponderability of life. Don't try to control it in every respect or you will fail. But do be honest with yourself and all those you treasure or you will fail too. The second aspect I liked a lot ...
As for
"Die Vaterlosen" I was intrigued by the titel. It's about adults though who were brought up as siblings in a kind of hippie commune in Austria. And their ambivalent father figure, who on the one hand offered them many exciting chances and freedom, but on the other hand was not the reliable one they could turn to in times of need. It was okay but too specific about hippie life for my liking.
And now I regret having to report a total failure. I did leave during the screening of
"The Devil's Double" but I left too late nevertheless.
The movie is a complete nuisance, starting with the fact that all supposed Iraqis don't talk Persian but bad English with Persian accent. The movie has never remotely heard of something like subtlety. All the cruelty, sadism and decadence of Uday Hussein is striking you in the face endlessly so that I didn't want to open my eyes anymore. Only for one time - to leave the cinema. There sure are a lot of things the world doesn't need. This movie is at the top of the list.