friiiiidaaaaaay alex's hIZZouse!!

Feb 21, 2004 12:17

MORNING EVERYONE!!! hehehe or one.. LoL yea most likely.. haha AH WELL! todaay was hilarium. in 4th period we watched our bidyo..our group was the only one to get a perfect score outta the whole class!! YESS hahaha everyone thought ours was pretty good. then in 5th period:

rae: monday isnt a block day is it?

sean e: yer moms a block day.

rae: yer moms full menu.

:sean kneeling on the ground laughing:

hahahaha we're dweebs..

then afterschool went to alex's with michelle, christine and sean. gabriel was there!! hahaha alex's ohso kyoot little 4[?] year old cousin. and so we watched the ending of monster's inc man that movie is sooo cooool. haha then sean an alex broke out the "tampon" and started playing ddr haha you know..the usual. LoL i chilled with gabriel. then sean sat next to me and i was leaning into him and then gabe comes over and sits on the other side of me and puts his arm around me! LOL AWWWWWW hahaha then when i leaned more into him gabe started pouting. and i asked him what was wrong and he was all mad. hahahaha sean asked, "sorry am i crowding up on yer girl?" [HAHAHAHA :sigh: soooo kyooooooooot hahaha sorry :ahem:] an then after he went to play ddr again gabe was pushing my head to his and smiling haha..then he was all staring at me and when i asked him 'what?' he'd shake his head no all smiling HAHA remind me of that hotdog...hahahahhaa...then later he sat next to me and he KISSED me!!!!! hahahahhaha then he ran away all shy hahahaa AWWWWWWWW!!!!!! ahahahaa..and well..yea seans funny..hahaha threatening to leave LOLL..'geeze he's gonna kick my ass or somehting' then when he had to go i was all hugging him for a loooooong time and gabe saw and after sean left gabe was all under the table all mad at me.. hahahahhaah AWWW! LOL! then i asked him if i could have a hug and he nodded his head yes and then he kissed me againTWICE!!! HAHAHa 3 kisses!! ahahahhahaa...he beat you sean!!

ahahahaha...alright guys..the phone jes rang and its my most favoritestest person in the whole world next to my PTnF of course!! LOL :imagining jenalyn saying, ' HELL YEA!!': HAHAHAHHA okai i heart you guys!! byeee happy saturdaaaaaaaaaay!!

muahs n much mahal,

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