
Feb 15, 2004 17:18

h0tt dayum, it's the new shiit :D dunno if anyone goes here/still goes here, but 0h fucking well, guess that jes means it's time to advertise. anyways. wth's been going on... uhhhhhhhhhh. everything's been really depressing actually -_-;; i now have a dress and shoes that are unrefundable and nowhere to where them to. daym ron... and i am officially a loner at school. daym mary rose... yes, greatness. but yeah. and fuck shiit, SKiLLD's down again. =T en i'm having trouble w/the nameserver shiit. gawh. -_- i'm so scared my hostees are gonna leave me now ): fuck shiit. oh yeah, heart day jes happened t0o. uhh, jes kicked it w/rae cuz she's b0mb diggity fo shiggity en she spent the nite the nite before.. that made sense in my head..... daym that "der-der"-lover. haha. rae&sean are ad0rajibbo together&apart, 'nuff sayd. lol. i say apart too, cuz even wen they're apart they're always talking about each other en shiit. ha. (: awright then, enough updates. peaseh

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