Oct 10, 2008 21:00
mmmmmm hullo..... wanted to waste time... so here:
meme thing gangked from bri-chan
01] What is your pen name?
02] How did you get the name?
I needed a new aim name to replace mccartneyobass. My parents have a poster hanging up on the stairwell that had the words burn your bad art...and so it was born.
03] Do you use PC or Mac?
both i guess. because i use bootcamp on my mac in order to do 3D modeling stuff on alias and solidworks for school... but i prefer Mac over PC anyday!!!
04] What software do you use most often?
PHOTOSHOP CS2!!! and CS3...but only at work because i can't afford to upgrade on my laptop. :/
05] Do you use mouse, or tablet?
My tablet.... oh dear gawd...i couldn't do anything with a mouse.
06] The color you use most often is?
browns, black, indigo and grays...so..all the boring colors.... they're my go tos for sketching, etc. but i'll use a mix of everything depending on what the art ends up being.
07] What area of the pictures do you put most effort into?
I like to go into crazy details with the clothing and pushing the poses and expressions. Probably most effort goes into the outfits (at the moment).
08] How long does it take you do draw a picture?
Depends... sketches can take me like a minute.. but full blown awesome beautiful finished pieces can be anywhere from a day to days/months/forever. mostly because of freetime and also if i'm in the groove... i can bang that thing out in like 4 hours tops...thank you work for pushing my speed and skill level :)
09] Do you keep your rough drafts?
ALWAYS...in layers...or in my sketchbooks. i love my rough sketches. my finished pieces are always very stiff..which is something i'm trying to work on and that i'm getting better with... but i just like to be able to see my process and look back on them.
10] What kind of font do you use most often?
M something...myriad i think... which might make a graphic designer keel over dead...whatev...
11] What's the dpi when you scan?
300 dpi... even if it eats my memory...
12] Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
I'm a multitasker. I'll listen to music, watch tv, take random internet breaks, eat and drink, etc.
13] How many pictures do you draw in a month?
um...a lot....like...for serious... probably in the hundreds... this is if you're taking every freaking doodle i leave everywhere every second of the day... seriously.. i doodle at restaurants, i doodle at work when i'm supposed to be doodling other stuff, i doodle when i'm shopping markers at michael's, i doodle at home, on my friend's paper/notebooks/homework, i doodle on my own homework...on my arms... if you haven't gotten this yet.. I DRAW ALL THE TIME...and on ANY THING.
14] What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
is this meme about scanning drawings in mainly? because i love to draw with the wacom as well... i'll just do the undersketch and lineart straight into photoshop. but i draw on just about whatever i get my hands on.... printer paper mostly..which is bad because my sketchbook is so full of loose leaf it's falling apart....i can't draw in sketchbooks.. it's like i freeze up when my paper is in bound form....and i have a soft spot for lined paper and newsprint... so everything bad for sketches.... napkins and post its too.... sheesh....things that would never look good no matter how you present it in your portfolio :/
15] What kind of paper do you use for sketches and drafts?
16] How long does it take to ink something?
I don't really "ink" something.... like lineart?on pencil sketches? not really my thing... i draw with ballpoint a lot though.. and linearting in photoshop takes me a bit....if i want it to look spanking awesome...
17] Do you do doujinshi or original manga?
no....i'm trying to keep away from anime....
18] Do you like doujinshi? Is it fun making it?
19] Ever submitted anything to a magazine?
i don't think so...
20] Did it get published?
21] Who are your favorite artists?
Alphonse Mucha, Earl Oliver Hurst, the star wars concept artists, marvel and dc guys...
22] What's your favorite Anime/Manga?
avatar the last airbender? does that even count? ....i don't think i read this meme well...
23] Favorite Characters?
duurr... catwoman
24] Any artists that you'd like to draw like?
everyone and anyone that's better then me.....so... a lot of people.... mainly to be able to draw and express myself like the disney/pixar folks do...
25] Do you buy books a lot?
way too many books.... i'm on a NO BOOK BUYING thing right now... because i need all the money i can save up right now... :/
26] Did you ever buy a book to inspire you to draw?
uh yah.... all the art nouveau books i can get my hands on, i got the star wars concept books from my dad, pixar movie books, earl oliver hurst poster book, top illustrator thing book, costume/fashion books, nickelodeon book.....LOTS OF BOOKS
27] Any video games you enjoy?
...i like mario kart i guess.... sims? i don't really have a gaming system... so no?
28] Any favorite characters from video games?
the ones from guitar hero....i love the artist that did that guitar hero commercial....he does the stuff for gorillaz.... i should probably know this.. bleh
29] Do you have a favorite writer?
JD Salinger hands down
30] Any books you really enjoy?
i'm a sucker for young adult... it's horrible because i'm not fourteen anymore... so now i'm trying to force myself to read tasteful literature...i'm slowly trucking through the english patient right now... after tearing through cold mountain WHICH WAS AWESOME!!....so... tasteful literature isn't so bad... i'm just a person that judges books by their covers... WHICH IS HORRIBLE... i know... but tasteful literature never has fun covers.. YA always has great illustrations... sometimes that's the only reason i buy some of those books...
31] Do you write fanfics?
32] Any music that you often listen to while drawing?
i have a soundtrack that goes along with my infinite plot hole movie/comic/book/tvshow art thing called the immortals arc at the moment.... so all kinds of songs.. mostly Muse though and a lot of depeche mode at the moment.. weird...ummm and always always coldplay
33] Any recommended songs?
starlight, enjoy the silence, where is my mind, paper planes, viva la vida
34] Any web sites that you totally admire?
mmm...facebook? harr
35] Do you have any sites you want to go to every day?
yeah... i check eljay friends list for updates, deviantart to stalk, facebook like every hour..which is sad, yahoo and uc email....um...youtube...
36] What is your dream site like?
forget dream site... my dream is to begin to fathom how to make a site...and then i'll dream it up.... i am so computer/internet illiterate....
37] Do you like your own art?
usually....but then i see someone better...and always younger then me..and then i hate myself for the rest of the week...
46] Are you a computer expert?
at photoshop....and time wasting.. :)
47] Want to become a professional artist?
YES YES YES...more then i want to continue breathing
48] Any other jobs you're interested in, besides illustration?
not really interested in illustration... i just want to do character design
49] Any other specialties besides drawing?
i've learned i can cook, i'm good at naps, and i'm sometimes a fun person to hang out with? wow.. i am so screwed if someone chops my right hand off... i have no career options outside of art...
50] Do you like to watch movies?
very much so... hence wanting so much to be in the entertainment biz....pixar, disney, nickelodeon, lucasfilm, marvelfilm... O_O
51] What's your favorite movie?
at the moment it's between stardust and the incredibles.... but if you asked me when i was like.. 7 or 8 it was hands down, no questions, definitely the lion king
52] Have you ever entered art contests?
yep.. through school.... and that's it...
53] When did you start drawing seriously?
i've drawn since i could pick up a crayon...serious serious drawing....it depends... i didn't really consider art seriously until highschool....i was really leaning towards equine/vet or writing/english for a long long time...even though i loved to and excelled at art... hmmmm....i think because as cool as my parents were being toy designers i wanted to do something different and not art related.... so much for that..... i still don't want to be a toy designer..no matter how strong its siren call.... (DAMN YOU HASBRO) but now i will cut off my leg before being anything but art related...and really i just me character design....for reals... CUT OFF MY LEG... i'll totally do it....
54] Anything that you often use as a reference when you draw?
myself...and inspiration images....i'll pull from online or books around me or people around me... just to get ideas from how others draw, how something looks etc...NOT TO COPY...NEVER TO COPY
55] Have you met any of your fans online?
i don't think i have any fans online...because i'm a lameass...oh and i don't have time to post anything online because i actually have a paying job where i get to draw characters everyday until january.... hmmmm... i'll take that over 12 year old fangirls anyday... i love you hasbro....maybe too much...
56] You have a lot of pen pals?
no? i keep up with friends on facebook...but i don't think that really counts....
57] You have a lot of friends that draw?
at school yes... outside of school...also yes
58] What time do you usually go online?
all day.....it's an addiction...
59] Do you like to go to chat rooms?
60] Do you have your own computer?
yes..and a brand spanking new huge awesome monitor..that i can't use right now because it wouldn't fit in my car/i would never haul it out to massachusetts for fear of breaking it/having someone steal it on the way over
61] What would you say to the person you admire?
marry me.... no..i'm not sure...i'm sure i'd just beam at them and be completely incoherent...
62] Do you think of things when you draw?
i actually keep up a constant monologue in my head...it's weird..and exhausting.... i can't go blank... there's always too much going on etc...
63] Have you drawn badly because you think too much?
no...i usually draw badly because i just ....draw badly sometimes...when i'm out of the groove....
64] Do you have any friends who are professionals?
65] Where do you often hang out?
home or work..laaammmeee
66] Do you have any artists that you don't like too much?
anime artists make me vomit my own intestinal tract... i hate it i hate it i hate it... and i hate that they're talentless but omg sooo popular :p ugh
67] Situations in which you really don't like being online?
when my eyes are ready to bleed...
68] Situations you hate when it comes to having web sites?
ummm....i don't really have my own "website" but...i guess i don't like people being general assholes... this counts for facebook mainly....
69] Something that makes you really glad that the Internet exists?
you can find anything at the click of a button....it's amazing
70] What about things that make you NOT glad that the Internet exists?
the fact that i can't live without it now..
71] What's the first picture you've ever shown to the public online?
hahahahahaha sushi girl......seriously...hahaha
72] Do you still have that?
yep....it's still collecting dust on my book shelf.... :)
73] Has your drawing style changed a lot?
OH THANK GAWD YES!!! i would hope it has.....please tell me it has.....
74] How does it usually change?
through school, constant sketching and inspiration, and definitely through work
75] Have you experienced artists block before?
all the freaking time
76] How did you escape from it?
i have to take a break from drawing and do something different...which is hard at work.. so i'll just take a walk around the office and say hi to some people..then head back and try again...
77] What happens when you have artists block?
i hate myself and i just want to do something else...take a nap....i dunno
78] Any artists that have influenced you a lot?
alphonse mucha.....and people say i have a very anime style.. WHICH I HATE...and i'm constantly working to change that...ugggghhhh
79] What made you start drawing?
my parents probably....i grew up under their drafting table... it was inevitable
80] What made you want to get a web site?
i don't have a real website of my own yet... but i got a deviantart one mainly for the interaction you get with better artists... i learned so much from deviantart...even though people poo poo it... i've gotten a lot of constructive criticism (and a lot of gibbering too)...but it's so full of inspiration and so many different styles to look at and help to mold your own.... but... now i'm kind of sick of the whole deviantart mentality...and i'm embarrassed to even mention my page on there because i have fanart on there...it's not very professional....i need to make my own website...
81] Where did your site name come from?
from that same im screenname...oh so long ago in middleschool...which is also my email and go to name for whatever i troll about on the internet.... mostly porn... JUST KIDDING... O_O
82] What do you think about net manners?
..........umm...i have good net manners? i don't really antagonize people on the internet i don't know...and i don't get involved with shit....
83] Have you ever been spammed?
84] Ever thought about quitting your web page?
pretty much have...except that i go back once in a while to clear out my inbox and see what new deviations are out there....i haven't uploaded anything in a long while.... :/
85] If so, why?
i don't have time anymore...i have a life now..sort of... i've got a job..and when i'm at school and not on co-op my free time is pretty much shot...
86] About how many KB is each picture?
i have no idea....i always do 300dpi...which is wrong wrong wrong....
87] When creating your site, do you use a program or pure html?
baahahahaha i'm too dumb to even grasp that....i need to get websites for idiots...or pay someone to make me a webpage... :/
88] Do you have good eyesight?
hahahhahahahah no....i wear contacts...and even with those..i feel like my eyes are falling out...and i'm constantly getting blinder and blinder
89] If you can get any person's autograph, whose would you get?
JONAS BROTHERS!!!!..jk..jk... honestly i don't know.... don't really care...
90] What would you say to that artist when he/she autographs for you?
91] Do you have fans of your art?
probably not
92] Do you like to draw on oekaki bbs?
i can't even figure oekaki out.....bleh
93] Were you good at art in school?
i would gander and a yes
94] Did you take art lessons other than from school?
yes.... life drawing classes
95] Have you drawn a manga?
96] What's your favorite phrase/quote?
"hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello love and kisses Chales" from JD salinger's nine stories...for esme with love and squalor..
97] Do you think your personality is different externally and internally?
yes....i'm a extroverted introvert...it depends on the situation...i can be outgoing or i can be very shy... my achilles heel is that i'm very self conscious and really hard on myself.... :/
98] What's your goal now?
get into CalArts....but for spring quarter get a paid co-op with disney or lucasfilm or nickelodeon or dreamworks or blue sky
99] What do you have to say to yourself?
100] Lastly, what do you have to say to everyone?
who the heck is reading this? i only did this because i'm extrememly bored....and drained from all day drawing...so am now in amoeba mode.... duurrrr