Feb 03, 2010 11:41

My friends page is MASSIVE, it's impossible to keep up with. It's nothing personal, I'm uncurably nosy about other people's lives and I like reading, but I've hardly got time to talk to people because there's so much to scroll through so I need to cut some journals. BUT I've got no idea who's lurking and wants to stay and who just scrolls past... help? Obviously I'm keeping all rl friends and people I talk to, even just a bit in comments, and people I know just want to stay and read, but if we never talk and you want to stay lurking that's fine, just let me know. :D Or the other way round, if you're looking for an excuse to cut me there's no hard feelings there either. Don't know when I'll get round to it, but it needs doing because I'm trying to get over these ridiculous ~*~everybody's got a life, they don't need me bothering them~*~ issues and get talking with people again, because I'm turning into this rude silent hermit and I'm getting on my OWN nerves, never mind anyone else's. It's going to be so much easier to reconnect with the people who still want to talk when I've got a smaller friends page. <3

Now. 1200 words on tradition and dissent in Shostakovich's chamber music... GO! -_-
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