the houses sleeping in the streets in the slow deep salt and silent black, bandaged night

Jan 22, 2010 11:13

Mum and John have gone to Center Parcs for the weekend for their friend's birthday break. Probability of my brother throwing a house rave and expecting me to help clean up the evidence? Place your bets now. I don't care, as long as they don't interrupt my screen-licking when ♥♥♥Danny♥♥♥ is on tv later.

I blame Ashcroft, today is a Dylan Thomas day. <3 I've got this little pile of books that lives on the cabinet next to my bed just because I like having them near, like Roald Dahl's collected short stories and my Julian Barnes BIBLE and Alice and Le Petit Prince and Under Milk Wood. You get brilliant dreams if you read them really late just before you sleep.
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