(no subject)

Nov 11, 2010 20:45

Dear Yuletider,

This is the first time I've signed up for this thing. Massive excitement over this way. :D I hope you're inspired by one of my prompts. I should say this first: there's nothing I don't like about any of the fandoms I requested. Basically, if there's something you want to write about these worlds and people then it's something I want to read. Don't feel like I need any of the details written, because I'll be over the moon whatever you come up with. :D But since people keep saying details are helpful:

I love gen, het, boyslash and girlslash equally, so run with whatever you feel like. Smut is great, but I won't feel cheated at all if I don't get any. If you do feel like writing sex, something I particularly like is when it's a bit rubbish. ;) I mean stubble-burn, cramp from funny positions, stuff like that. It doesn't have to be a massive farce, and of course I'm going to love reading mindblowingly GOOD sex too, but I've got a big thing for slightly bad/realistic fic sex. Dialogue is actually my favourite thing in fic, even if it's just a throwaway conversation that doesn't advance the plot. I like domestic squabbles. I'm not a great fan of sappy romance... I love my characters to be in love as much as anybody else, but if you're going with romance then I particularly like them to be friends who happen to be in love rather than soppy lovebirds who happen to be friends. I have no idea if that distinction is clear AT ALL anywhere except my own head, haha! I prefer at least a bit of hope over pure relentless doom, but the story doesn't have to have a happy ending to make me happy. Similarly, I prefer fluff to have a bit of an edge to it. Also, I find first-person a bit awkward to read, and second-person gives me a massive headache because it feels like a writing exercise instead of a story, it's so distracting. That said, if whatever you want to write is only working for you that way, I trust your judgement!

Specific things about my fandoms:

1) The Mighty Boosh. I feel like sort of a cheat even requesting this since it's my main fandom. We probably know each other if this is the one we were matched for. ;) My favourite pairings are Howard/Vince, Rudi/Spider, Tony Harrison/Saboo, Anthrax/Ebola and Neon/Ultra. By pairings I mean romantic or friendship, I'm not really fussed either way. Like I said before, dialogue makes me GLEE. If you can go a thousand words just making Rudi and Spider or Tony and Saboo shout at each other I will be the happiest yuletider in the world. With Howard and Vince, I really love their domestic squabbling and Howard's "don't touch me" issues. I prefer shallow, simple Vince over Vince turning into a stylie brat in series 3, but really anything at all is going to be ace.

2) The Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm a bit obsessed with all the minor characters in Halloween Town, I'd love to read some backstory about one (or more) of them, whichever you like best. My own favourite is the sax player in the band <3 but I'd love to read about any of them. The clown with the tearaway face genuinely terrifies me so he's a good one if you're going for proper all-out horror, but I'm not sure how well I'd do reading fluff or humour about him. ;) So really, anything at all you're inspired by. I'd prefer not to read something where Jack and/or Sally are the main characters, but if that's the bunny that bites then go with it!

3) The Sting. I really have no better reason for requesting this than a lifelong need to see Newman and Redford bang each other senseless. I'm so sorry. That said, my favourite thing in this film is their banter and the building friendship, so something utterly plotless and smutless where they just talk would be A+. I'd particularly like to see their age difference dealt with, I think? Newman calling Redford "kid" just does me in whether there's sex or not, maybe I'm sick in the head but OH LORD. Please and thank you. I'm so disgustingly shallow, but PAUL NEWMAN. Of course, if the thing you want to write is an intricate plot-driven sequel to the film involving a whole ton of twists then I will FALL ALL OVER MYSELF to kiss your feet. Um and this will make me sound like a massive pervert but I like gun/fear/powerplay kink enough that I've written a series of stories (not for this fandom) which feature it quite heavily, like people getting off on having guns put to their head or in their mouths... run with that if you so choose but please don't let my perversions put you off writing something witty and funny and G-rated about two guys who made friends over a heist. I promise I'll love it. This is probably my favourite film of all time and I've never read fic for it so honestly, anything is going to be amazing.

4) Wind On Fire. I'm totally completely in love with Kestrel and Bowman. Incest is fine if that's what you ship, as long as it's between them and nobody else. I never read incest at all, but I suppose it's different with them. One of the reasons I love the books so much is the quality of the prose, I love how Nicholson can go on for pages just describing two people dancing and by the end you feel like you've run a marathon. If you don't want to write plot, please don't think I'll feel fobbed off by something like that! Just a detailed description of some everyday scene that happens in their world would be ace, or if you prefer writing characters my other favourite is Sisi. Gen, het, slash, plot-driven, character-driven, whatever, just give me more of this world because three books aren't enough. :)

tl;dr ANYWAY what I could have said at the top instead of all this ramble is "I love these worlds, I love these characters, and however you choose to play with them I'm going to love your story." I hope you have fun, and I can't wait to see what you do. :D

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