182; Disparage

Jan 11, 2009 08:53

[ Private | Unhackable | Selectively Unscreened (if so noted in comments) ]

How did this happen? How did we become the bad guys when we've never done anything that wasn't to help the people here? To protect them from the Entropi and from each other... what has anyone else got to show for their time here other than everyone for themselves?

Nothing. No one else has done anything to make sure we go home after this war. But they're all so quick to point fingers! They don't like us because we're the only ones to say, "everyone here gets a chance, not just the ones you think deserve it most". They can't get their heads around that. They act offended because they can't understand why we think no one has the power to pick and choose who deserves to live and who doesn't.

They don't even care that because of us, we have people organized to take care of emergencies... food, healing, protection. Even the beginnings of a viable weapon against the Entropi. To them it means nothing because for five whole minutes they get to stand against the status quo and feel like rebels.

Even the people we trusted. So quick to...

But I'm not going to stop. Even with this mess, all this hostility, it's still better than nothing. We don't know what little thing could be the turning point in battle. I won't give up on the people here no matter what, even if it's going to be an uphill battle the whole way.

Because I think everyone here is worth that.

And I'll prove it.


[ Screened from AU!Atem ]

The other day, Atem and I drank that juice (tea?) and...

I'm... confused.


Aligoté, are you busy later? If not, I'd... like to talk for a while.

screened, alliance, unhackable, au: kir (aligoté), au: yami no yuugi (atem), private, duty, thoughts

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