170; Insolvent

Nov 22, 2008 10:04

[ Screened to Alliance members | Unhackable ]

I suppose by now most or all of you have seen my message letting everyone know their things are okay and where they are.

[deep breath]

When I talked to Belldandy the first time, I tried to make it sound like maybe I thought what she was doing wasn't unappealing to me. She didn't trust me and with good reason... she told me she'd been inside Skuld's mind. That was when I realized that the alliance was more seriously compromised than we'd understood. She challenged me to prove I wasn't just words, so...

The bulk of that part, you know. People found their items "destroyed" and they were hurt and angry. After that I contacted Belldandy to see if I'd made any impact. She asked what I wanted for siding with her, and I told her nothing at the moment, that I was more interested in seeing what she did with the rest of the compound first. But I asked for collateral, so she wouldn't back out of her offer.

She gave me her power limiters, which oddly enough, are earrings.

I had to let the compound know who'd done these things, because I had to let you guys know without actually telling you myself. Selphie helped a lot there, leaking that I'd turned on all of you and sided with Belldandy on my own decision. And... it worked. I got the limiters to Fayt as soon after that as I could without arousing suspicion. From there, I'm not entirely sure what he did with them, but they helped.

[pause; a long sigh]

Now you know what happened, but that's not actually the important part of all this.

The whole idea of having this team is so that no one's acting on their own. I did exactly the opposite, and that's not the way a member should behave... so it's twice as bad for a leader to do the same. I wanted to help but I went about it in the worst way.

I'm sorry... I let all of you down. You put a lot of trust in me and I used it badly. I'll do whatever everyone thinks is right, even if it means stepping down or... or leaving completely...

screened, apology, alliance

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