063; ^____^

Sep 04, 2007 21:31

[OOC: The following is delivered to Ci-Deka in a plain brown box with a pink ribbon.]

I miss you. It seems more and more lately that the only purpose of Econtra's craziness is to keep us from having a chance to even breathe, let alone have a quiet time to talk. It makes me feel like I've been neglecting or ignoring you, and even though I know it's not like that, I don't like it.

I know our last conversation left... us both confused. I still am, anyway. And I wish I could say that I've got everything figured out, or that I know how things are going to work, but I don't. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized... I didn't really give you much of a chance to tell me what you wanted. And I'm sorry for that, because that was stupid of me and... it was wrong, too.

So... can I try again?

- Jing

[OOC: The following is delivered to Ci-Tessera in a plain brown box with a blue ribbon.]

I know this is probably a poor substitute for being able to explain some things that should be explained, but I want you to know I'd never keep you in the dark about anything important. You're one of the people I trust most, and seven years doesn't change that for me at all.

I didn't mean to seem angry when I interrupted you at Yuuko's. But the prices I've seen people pay for her wishes -- especially when it comes to losing memories of those you care about -- I... I got scared. And I don't get scared very easily.

I meant what I said, though. I want you to be happy, and you can't get that through an illusion. So... if that other guy Bacardi is who you want to be with, I... can live with that. And, if he that's not who what you want, then... we'll figure it out.

Anyway... hope you like the necklace.

- Jing

ou: mint, letters, ou: kir, gifts, ou: cassis

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