Aug 03, 2007 15:30

If I so much as think I hear of anyone hassling or threatening Cassis and Kir, there will be no line I won't cross to make sure you spend the rest of your stay in Econtra too bandaged to leave your dorm!

[Screened to Cassis]
I think I liked it better when you were beating me up rather than defending me! You're making things worse! I have enough I'm trying to sort out right now without making sure people aren't going after you!

[Screened to Genis]
Do you know anything about... memories? Rather, a type of magic that deals with them?

[Screened to Aligoté]
Hey... I'm really sorry about... the conversation the other day. I shouldn't have asked you to talk about it, not like that. I just... sorry...

Al, I'm really glad you're awake. Uh, Yuugi's gone. He disappeared a little while ago. And sorry about the extra people in Ast-Tessera. Cassis and Kir are staying with me while I try and figure something out. please don't freak out when you see me

I'm getting such a headache over everything...

screened, au: genis sage, ou: alphonse elric, ou: kir, threats, ou: cassis

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