The Sea and Little Fishes . . .

Aug 04, 2004 13:31

It's been a while since I have written anything of any importance on here, so I thought I would do so. Don't know why, once again, nothing of any significant importance has really happened. Though, I AM getting my promotion, though I think most of you already know that. I had my interview last week, on Monday, and apparently "kicked some butt," according to my manager. Which is cool, and means that I get the promotion, as soon as they figure out what store I am going to. I can't stay where I'm at, because there aren't any openings available, apparently, which is fine, because I don't mind transfering, so long as I get the promotion, though I will miss some of my regulars who come in, that will kind of suck. But then, I'll just have to meet new regulars, which I am sure I will do, and this means that I get to start over at a new place and not have to worry about my peers not giving me the actual repsect or authority that my position entails, since I'll be starting as a shift. BUT, I have to wait a whole WEEK to find out if I am going to one specific store that they have in mind, because my district manager is on vacation. A WEEK!!! That SUCKS, because I already feel like I have waited forever for this, and now I have to wait some more. I can't even start my training until they know for sure where I am going to go. ACK!!! Ah, well. Whatever, it happens, I guess I'll just have to deal with it, and at least I know I got it, no matter how long I have to wait for it to ACTUALLY happen.

Other news, I have my first exam tonight, that I should be studying for instead of typing all of this, but then again, anyone who knows me knows how much I HATE studying . . . and besides, I usually do fairly well on exams I haven't studied for, in my Psych classes especially, which this is. Now that I think on it, I haven't ever gotten lower than a B in any Psych Class that I have taken. Huh. Weird, but encouraging. So yeah, and I still haven't touched my Twenty Page Paper that's due at the end of this month, which, I know, I know, that's not good, but don't worry, I'll get it done. I always do, somehow. Ugh. Anyways, so yeah, umm, I guess that's it, other than that, life is boring, as usual. K, gotta go study now, hopefully I won't shoot myself in the process!
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