[06] I have nothing witty to say here

May 25, 2010 12:05

When I'm sick you get icons. I've been confined to the couch or bed, so...icons away! Also I'm enjoying Photoshop CS5, which is surprising. I haven't liked anything since CS2. I'm still on the fence about permanently upgrading, though. CS2 is my love ( Read more... )

video games: bayonetta, video games: pokemon, animanga: yu-gi-oh!

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setsuntamew May 26 2010, 04:52:24 UTC
Here you go~ I have my entire folded saved & uploaded somewhere, I just can't remember where. My hard drive died recently so I'm still trying to hunt down where everything went >_>

Also I'm pretty sure I've read your fanfics before...do you go by the same name on ff.net?


mel_girl May 26 2010, 04:55:09 UTC
Ah, I hate computer crashes. I lost my assignment the day before it was due thanks to computer failure. >< I understand the feeling.

FFFFF thank you! *saves* <3

And yup, I'm Mel-Girl on FF.net! Glad to know some more people who have been reading my stuff. Motivates me to update more~ :D


setsuntamew May 26 2010, 05:03:24 UTC
I lost all my work on a fanfic from oh, January until a couple weeks ago D: I'm REALLY unhappy about that. Also I'm missing a bunch of other things too, apparently...

No problem! Here's my entire folder! I haven't updated it online since December, but that's when my laptop back up is from so I've lost anything new since then anyway >_<

SWEET. I'm a lazy fanfic writer, even when I know people are reading...I'm terrible XD I'm also a terrible reviewer because I forget all the time ^^;; Whoops! I do love your stuff though :D


mel_girl May 26 2010, 05:08:38 UTC
Guuuhhh that sounds like something I'd rage over too. D: At least I have most of my stuff saved on two computers at home. XD; And ooh, thank you! 8D Btw, I'ma sound lame and all but can I add ya on LJ? You seem really nice and dude, you're sharing Thiefshipping with me, that is going to place you in my good books, haha.

Oh, what's your username on FF? If you write Thiefshipping, chances are I've read your stuff. I'm terrible at reviewing too! And thank you very much! ^^


setsuntamew May 26 2010, 05:13:56 UTC
I usually back stuff up on my external hard drive & desktop computer, but I lost the drive for a couple months and the desktop is currently full of hard drive failure as well. TERRIBLE COMPUTER LUCK XD

Yes! Friendship! That's totally fine! I love meeting new people, especially thiefshippers. Always a positive :D

Same as on here. I've only posted one thing on ff.net, but I have a ton in the works. I'm just lazy and procrastinate a lot...


mel_girl May 26 2010, 05:17:27 UTC
Smart noggin. |D I think the harddrive on this computer is starting to fail too. And the internet and everything has moments where it'll crash every 5 minutes and I have to keep restarting the computer and it's irritating.>:

Sweeeeeet, same here. XD

Hmm, I'll look you up on FF.net when I have the time. I'm pretty sure I've read it though - I've read everything Thiefshipping on FF.net, ahaha~ I do too, but when I do feel like doing work, fanfics somehow have more priority than homework...XD;;


setsuntamew May 26 2010, 05:20:44 UTC
The hard drive in my laptop just died with no warning, where as the one in the desktop is just slowly dying instead...which is fantastic >_<

I tend to get distracted by Photoshop instead of fanfic writing these days. And cosplay. That kind of eats a lot of my time too XD


mel_girl May 26 2010, 05:23:30 UTC
OTL for life, man

I wanna get good with photoshop and programs like that but fanfic writing just comes more easily to me...XDD; Oh fffffffff I want to be able to make cosplay and stuff but I haven't the costume-making talent nor the time. School is irritating as hell like that. ;___; Actually I've seen your cosplays on dA I think. Good job, my dear~! :D


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