Remy was... mildly surprised that the group hadn't turned any heads on the transfer through the bar from Paris to New York, but he wasn't going to argue it, in fact, as far as he was concerned, the lack of notice was probably a good thing, meant he wouldn't have to answer too many questions when he got back
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It led down the sewer, where Essex would be waiting, to take his marauders to the target.
Eyeing the group he nodded towards the woman, "She's t'boss, we clear on t'at?" Once he'd gotten answers in the affirmative he nodded again, "Righ', let's go."
Even during the short walk from the drop point door of the Bar to the hotel Remy decided that he'd have to come see the city again sometime.
Once Remy was out of sight, Essex ran, shifting from the small, female form, to his much more commanding normal one. it took nearly no time for him to slip into another service entrance, and race for a point that was out of view, if one was simply leading a group of men to a door and leaving.
It had almost always been there, really, since it was his ingrained Paranoia, and often he did actually listen to it. Well, sometimes, anyway. Originally this wasn't going to be on of those times, but it was an insistent little voice, when it wanted to be, and sometimes it was easier to satisfy it than ignore it.
Once the crew was through the door he kept it from closing tightly, counting to sixty before slipping through it himself.
"Alright. I've told you what to do. Follow me."
With that, Essex trudged off, followed by the group.
It was easy, really, easier than he'd thought it would be, to slip back into old habits. Muscle memory was usually a good thing, and an active sense of Paranoia was better.
Before he threw her aside, he twisted her head, until the familiar crack of broken bone met his ears.
This was all done without any other sound, and soon the men were on their way, as if nothing had happened.
Remy was already weighing his options, calculating whether or not he could take this lot on himself and come out on top.
Of course, in doing so he let himself hang back further and further.
Plasma bolts flashed through the darkness, and the sounds of many more people screaming in pain and fear sounded out. While these were mutants, they weren't, by and large, blessed with incredibly offensive powers, nor heavy defense.
Thinking, while in a panic or at least close to one, wasn't something Remy was good at. Finally he shook himself, rattling his brain just enough to make himself pay attention, looking for another way around. Sure, it was a sewer, but there was a whole city down here, as evidenced by all the people.
It didn't take him long to find it, up and over, really, it had been painting girders at one time, but had been re-purposed here, swinging himself up the ladder steps and onto the not-quite catwalk above, not too worried about keeping quiet now as much as keeping out of sight lines, there was little to no chance that they'd hear him over the noise.
It only took ten minutes to reduce the population in the sewer from thirty to five, including two children.
Apparently it worked, because it was the work of a moment to scoop her up, holding onto her with one arm as he slid back down the ladder, half-backing down the corridor again, headed back the way they'd come.
Beside, he was too busy destroying every mutant down there.
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