Case 49 - Turnabout Aftermath

Mar 10, 2011 08:12

[Well, it's Thursday and Kay's finally back from Westport.  After more glasses of water than a human being should be able to hold, a stack of pancakes, and a long nap, she gets on the phones.]

That was really weird.  Was it the town's fault this time?  There were no hazmats or anything over there, and all the street signs were gone.  I mean, I'm glad to be back, but I wish I knew why it happened.

...Oh well.  Is everybody else okay?  What happened over here while we were gone?

[Filtered to Yamamoto]

I'm starved!  Want to make some sushi together later and have a date?  It's been a while.

[Filtered to Ema Skye, Clone!Elizabeth, the Childlike Empress, Jessica Ushiromiya, Patchouli Knowledge, Miakis, Winry, and any of Kay's other sisbros I'm forgetting]

Okay, now that that's over, I think we've earned some relaxation time.  I'm gonna see if I can kick Keiichi out of the house for a night so we can have a girls' night in.  What do you guys say?  Tomorrow night, after everybody's done with school and work?  We can sit around in our pajamas and eat ice cream and watch crappy movies and talk about boys and stuff!

[Yeah, she's totally serious.  What is being an adult.]

Anyway, let me know what you think!

((OOC: Watch for a log for this over the weekend, involved parties~))

sushi date, sisbros, sleepover, not a companion yet, post-past-westport

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