Oct 23, 2008 22:19
I got my ballot in the mail a couple days ago. If you hadn't heard, in Oregon we all get to vote by mail.
Basically the way I feel about Presidential elections is this: it's mind-control. Nothing more.
We aren't offered a real choice. The multinational corporations run things, and they give us an illusion of choice to keep us from fighting back in any substantive way. It was true when Clinton was President, and it's true today.
We're not now offered a real choice. Are you kidding? The madman and his stupid sidekick vs. ... the Perfect Politician? Come on! This is being spoon-fed to us. McCain was never this crazy when he was making appearances on Jon Stewart during the 2004 election. He wasn't this crazy during the 2008 primary. I just don't buy it. He's not this crazy and stupid. I don't know if he's throwing it or if he was gulled into making really bad choices but bottom line, it's got to be a contrivance.
So, by voting for Obama, I would be conditioning myself and allowing this charade to work its way into unconscious acceptance and ultimately compliance with decisions made by corporations. I would be invested in my choice of Obama, and I would therefore be somewhat compelled to defend his actions later.
Does that sound crazy to you? Well I think it sounds crazy to say that Obama is going to change anything that the big corporations don't want him to change.
So I wrote in Aleister Crowley for President of the United States of America. He is the ONLY candidate that will make a real difference, folks. Seriously. He only needs 1% of the vote to do it, too. If he gets that, his message of true liberty will be heard around the world:Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, love under will.
Every Man and every woman is a star.
So if you find yourself in a similar place, not knowing how you can support either major party candidate-for whatever reason-do what I did. Vote Aleister Crowley! Remember, he only needs 1%!