first entry

Dec 22, 2005 21:17


My names Bobbie, yes, Bobbie is a boy'a name but it's a girl's too. Thats why it has a girls spelling sucka. I'm 13 going on 14 in February and I'm pretty mature for my age. I used to be into neopets, myspace and all that jazz but I quit a while back and since then everyone has joined myspace like its the radest thing since hairdyes. No. Trying to be cool  I joined livejournal cause I missed the people but I didn't want to 'follow' them to myspace or whatever they def would think of.

sometimes i like to type alot and i'll post this huge ass message about my boring day at school and how i really need a digital camera like now, but usually I'll post a paragraph and then go comment & whatevr. speaking of a digital camera, i am HOPING to get one for christmas which is in 3 DAYS omg so i can post pictures of me and my scene cat Joe.

he's kinda chubby and he lies on my ankles when he sleeps in my bed and his tail is 3 inches lone and he's gray and has zebra legs. cool huh.i have two dogs also, sugar & sam. sugars white [duh] and she's like 11 and beautiful and cute & gorgeous shes my baby. sams just a puppy this  will be his first christmas, he's black and shiny with sweet sweet sweet muddy brown eyes that are soo adorable. he has a real small head and he's like a puppy lab but he's going to be small & cute like one forever because his ma was a sharpei. the hoe.

my favorite color is green, my room is lime green with like a forest mural on it & i have my OWN bathroom with i haven't remade since i moved in two years ago and it still has the cruddy old wall paper gag & i have like a papsian chair with a checkered black & white throw i made out of fleece which is hot. not hot like paris's that's hot like it's hot and sweaty & cause i live in texas. yeah... (: my favorite band is i don't have one, i have two brothers, i love james blunt he's nice, i want to go to school over seas and this is one run on sentence rock on. i used to want to go overseas for college because i wanted to marry someone with a sexy sexy accent [orgasims] but now that i'm older i think it's be fun & exciting.

if you read this all or even a LITTLE & comment dude you'll like instantly become m bestfriend. seriously.
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