Happy Quarantine.

Mar 22, 2020 12:11

I know it sounds awful, but I so wished I got to stay home 24-7. But I am expected @ work-by my supervisors and co-workers and well if I want a paycheck. (I know my patient, yeah as in only one, because the cunt scheduler took my other patients away and dropped my hours for me. Anyhoo the old man is 96 and very confused and forgetful, like as in like you tell him something and he will literally forget it in the next breath! Well yesterday I was ambulating him back to his recliner after toileting and he turned around and hugged me. He kept saying "You feel so good. I love the way you feel", all the while grabbing my back fat! Yeah, I'm very glad that wasn't awkward or weird or disturbing). :| I am suffering from allergies. It has gone down into my chest. I'm hacking up phlegm left and right. Which is good. I'm popping antihistamine like candy. Shit is not good, and we haven't even been hit the first wave of the storm coming of this pandemic. I ordered a small deep freezer, it will be downstairs @ my sister's apartment. I really don't want to have to move it upstairs. My sister isn't crying hysterically to me after each visit to the store anymore. I some how got roped into baking banana bread today. :| Cos I feel fucking ace. Not. It's a beautiful day outside, despite the dark gray rainy mornings we've been having.
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