So I was trying to figure out how to get from Fenway to the Logan Airport post show and halfway through the thread on Phantasy Phish about the MBTA, I suddenly felt compelled to type, "Will I ever return, no I'll never return, and my fate is stillunlearned. I'll be riding forever 'neath the streets of Boston..."
My father was big time into folk music when I was growing up and as a result I listened to this Kingston Trio tape or 8 track or whatever it was way too much in the 70s. I haven't thought of the song in decades, but it's still there, waiting to come out at a moment's notice.
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It turns out the song that I used to sing as , "Raspberries, strawberries, fruit rolls yum yum yum," - yes, I was making up stupid lyrics to songs even when I was 7 or 8 - also is a Kingston Trio song, as is "Tom Dooley." It's kind of scary how well I remember the music on a tape that I only really heard on the way to Memorial Stadium to see the Orioles...