Hearthstone list (ignore if this is not relevant to your interests)

Jun 29, 2014 17:09

2 Argent Squire
2 Abusive Sergeant
1 Elvish Archer
1 Equality
1 Argent Protector
1 Dire Wolf Alpha
2 Faerie Dragon
2 Loot Hoarder
2 Aldor Peacekeeper
1 Earthen Ring Farseer
1 Harvest Golem
1 Shattered Sun Cleric
2 Hammer of Wrath
2 Consecrate
2 Truesilver Champion
1 Azure Drake
1 Frostwolf Warlord
2 Argent Commander
1 Guardian of Kings
* Tirion Foring
1 Sea Giant
Things I know you want but I do not own: 2nd Drake, 2nd Protector, Blood Knight (at least 1 might be 2), Ragnaros the Firelord
Possible that I do not own: Sword of Justice, Avenging Wrath, 2nd Equality (would be awkward often but so good when it works), Cairine Bloodhoof, The Dark Knight, possibly Illian Stormrage, Onyxia or Ysera.
Likely cuts: Sea Giant becomes Ragnaros. Farseer and Golem or Cleric for the Blood Knights. Archer comes out for Protector, although you might add a 2/1 for 1 and cut something else too. Guardian leaves probably if you put in a 6-drop legend or higher beyond Ragnaros.

Aggro Paladin you mulligan to Consecrate and go into kill all minions and play around Consecrate, and mostly only lose to Avenging Wrath. The control Paladin decks you can grind out cause they have so little high end.
Aggro Warlock you mulligan to Consecrate and kill all again. Their dumb turn 1-2 starts can stop you but you can outfight 2 cards a turn. 2-1 favorite. The control Warlock looks tough but only faced it once in good form.
Mage decks it's about grinding it out while saving answers to the legends. 2nd Equality would be huge here and Druid. Paced development lets you grind them out. If they are aggressive then it's easier than other aggro.
Hunter seems just bad. Play for the board and for 3 toughness.
Druid you can tempo or grind and if they don't have the legend high end you are a big favorite if you play around swipe and star fall. If they do have it and draw it, you can lose that way a lot. Last fatty kills you but you can beat a few.
Warrior control still learning but seems ok not great. Aggressive Warrior you can take over the board but need to turn to life total faster than I naturally do.
Priest decks seem awful and you can grind/tempo them.
Warlocks are tricky. When they draw their best cards in righty order especially Feral Spirit and Fire Elemental you are in bad shape. Need to learn here.
Miracle Rogue seems miserable, you can't get to them in time. Need a solution. Upgrades would not help us here.

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