i havent updated in approximately FOREVER. so here goes nuthin.
i spent a week in western PA with one of my best best best best best best best
friends, and it was incredible. i'd never been to that area of the country. it was great for so many different reasons and i'd love to go back there sometime. as i was waiting to board my plane to go back to boston, i almost had the opportunity to get a free round trip ticket to anywhere in the US [obviously i'd have gone to
california!] because they overbooked the flight and needed 4 people to wait and take a later one...however that never ended up happening which was a bummer, but i suppose it was nice getting home early.
lots of shit has been happening with the band...lots of good shit.
this will tell you all about it.
i guess that's it for now. yup. oh and for those of you that didn't know i'm moving back in with my parents. yay.