Is this not the cutest little kitten you've ever seen? Ok, ok, so pretty much all kittens are off the chart on the cuteness scale, but this one is especially adorable. Maybe I can get Keith to let me go visit. I know it isn't good since I can't adopt, and what if I get attached? Gah, I wish this cancer was overwith, or at least this 'need to travel' part was! It is totally kitten season, and there are kittens all over the pet stores and shelters. ADORABLE kittens. Little balls of fluff who love to pounce and do other unbelievably cute things. Keith has suggested that perhaps my PMS is making me particularly suceptible to adorableness. Maybe so.
I saw my parents for a little while today, just a few hours. I'm glad the weekly visit thing is working out so well. It is so calming having just one place I call 'home', one place I can keep my clothes, my movies, food, medication, etc.
I've been so down lately, probably pms and withdrawl stuff still. Doesn't make it any easier to handle. I am being so dramatic. Like I stubbed my toe getting out of the wheelchair into the shower, and I just sat there and cried for several minutes. It didn't even really hurt or anything. I feel like such a flake.
Tomorrow is day-o-zillion-phone-calls. The trick is to not have any two call back at the same time. That is tricky. I have three calls to make. One to the radiation dept to get them to fax over my records (and I will have to hand hold them so they give me the right ones, they ALWAYS mess this up). The second is to Dr. V to get him to give me some medication for my pain/swelling. Non-narcotic medication. Hint hint at bextra, but we'll see what he says. Third is to Kim at Proton Beam, who will hopefully tell me how I can start getting the ball rolling on this thing. Oh, and the wheelchair guy. Hm. Keith and I have a few things to try first, though, so maybe I'll wait 'til Tuesday for that one.
Ah, my exciting life. At least I did some work on my magazine and workshop today. That always feels good. It is a great feeling going through submissions and knowing I can be as selective as I need to since the submissions are coming in at such a good pace. I'm glad people like the magazine. :) I get the nicest compliments sometimes from readers and contributors! It puffs me all up with pride. :)