etymology is awesome

Apr 03, 2003 14:47

Yes, I am sore. That's what I get for, uh, running. Anyhoo, name meme!

1. What does your first name mean?

It means "resurrection." HELLS YEAH! It may be the name of one of Barbie's little sisters, it may belong largely to girls of the bimbo persuasion, and it may cause everyone who meets me to say with concern, "Gosh, you don't LOOK like a Stacy," but it has the COOLEST MEANING EVAR.

I'm coming back from the dead. Like JESUS. Kinda.

2. What does your middle name mean?

"God is my oath." That's very true. "God" is often my oath of choice, e.g. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!

3. What does your last name mean?

It's a place name from England, "meadow of the warriors' counsel." It only dates back to the 15th century, apparently. Tango's ancestors are so like the elder gods in comparison.

4. So what does your name mean when put together?

Uh... "resurrection of my oath to God at the meadow of the warriors' counsel." Dizzam.

5. What would you have been named if you were the opposite gender?

Stephen, for my great-grandfather. It means "crown." Yay for womanhood, because crowns just ain't as cool as coming back from the dead.

6. Any other name oddities?

Everyone in my immediate family has the initials S.E.B. My parents had the same initials, and apparently thought it would be just the cutest thing if they spawned a whole SEB family. Word to the Sebs on the west-side, dawg.

Also, my middle name was originally going to be Eve, for Christmas Eve when my mother went into labor with me (the lucky woman), but she changed her mind and gave me her middle name instead. She so totally 0wnzz0red me.

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