Although my life is primarily work and tedium right now, I’ve decided that I want to get back into journaling. The start of a new year is as good a place as any to begin again.
The Photo: some excellent Z-mas tidings from friends! Ru sent an abundance of homemade soap that I am excited to use! AND a cowl, modeled by Julianne the t-rex plush. AND adorable mini portraits of super BFF team Ari and Alice! AND MEEJ SENT ME TEQUILA ok no, she sent me money to BUY that tequila for a long-distance friendship toast, and it’s gonna be great. AND that adorable card is Fyre’s very own bird art! ART THAT SHE MADE!
File under “things to come back to when my malfunctioning brain insists that everyone hates me”. Or, Exhibit A for Awesome.
The Weekends: NYE was a low-key dinner with the family and the birthday nephew, which was ideal in light of the passing and upcoming years. This weekend’s birthday dinner for Mom was marred when my body decided to kick up a migraine just as we sat down in the restaurant. Foolish me probably should not have ignored the warning signs, but me and Ma can make up for it by enjoying her OTHER birthday gift later (”What We Do in the Shadows” on blu-ray heeeey).
The Tedium: transferring all my accounts to a local credit union, ugh. Scheduling doctor appointments and lab work, uuuggghhh. Pulling double-duty at the F-18 hot cell at work and overtime besides, UUUGGHH.
The Entertainment: the (mid?)season finale for “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” was wonderful and everything I wanted right up until the last second. wwwhhAAAAT THE FUCK.
I also enjoyed “
Hidden Killers of the Tudor Home”, which-despite the sensationalizing title-is an interesting overview of the evolution of architecture, technology, culture, and medicine in Tudor period England. I’ll probably give the follow-ups on the Victorian, Edwardian, and post-war periods a whirl as well.
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there. Or here. I'm not picky.