life blogging

Jun 15, 2015 12:22

► Once again, random photos from around Central City, Phoenix.

► LAST WEEK WAS CRAP IN A HAT. It started with a panic attack at work and continued with me throwing my back out. My back had been doing well since my SoCal vacation last fall, but I guess the universe saw me taking for granted simple tasks like rolling over in bed.

► Now that basic movement has been regained, I’ve started some exercises. Hopefully I can continue these exercises, since my body is apparently not satisfied with all the running around I do at work. But also, look at the super-sexy “tail wag” and “cat and camel” exercises. Tail wag guy especially wants you to come get some. (My sweat pants and limited range of motion bring all the ladies to the yard.)

► Prior to crap week, I caught up with old friends in Tucson at a Memorial Day bbq, and watched my nephew go swimming for the first time, and tried jellyfish (verdict: like meat cole slaw; would consume again). That was nice!

► It’s still overtime and weekend shifts through the 4th of July, but after that I will be on a NORMAL, NON-ROTATING SCHEDULE. And as of today we are once again FULLY STAFFED. And trainee #1 is doing very well (have not met trainee #2 yet). HOPE IS ON THE HORIZON.

► Now I will go exercise while Hot Sauce looks on on confusion. (Lizard Head Tilt. Lizard Head Tilt. Clime further up perch. INTENSE STARE.)

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