This is what it sounds like?

Mar 12, 2012 23:23

First off: this past week sucked. OH MAN it sucked. Tuesday morning my mother woke me up with a pretty disturbing phone call, and the family drama that followed just toppled the precarious Jenga tower that is my life.

This week I will be occupying myself with making appointments with 1) a doctor, 2) a counselor (the brain kind), and 3) a counselor (the credit kind).

It did get to the point where I was finally able to cry, which I'm actually counting as a good thing. I used to cry at the drop of a hat, but the past several years I've just dried up somehow. Add to that the fact that I've got my anger issues under control a few years back and you get a Z who doesn't have tears OR property destruction as a stress outlet! Buuuuut, I do... push-ups? Well, and I cried this week. And I really do think that was a good thing.

So in light of all this I'm just skipping directly to the second best thing on the internet: George Takei, celebrating the fundraising success of his groundbreaking Broadway project with a happy dance.

WARNING: he winks at the camera, so brace yourself or it may stun you.

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