May 28, 2011 22:52

metonymy. Apparently the shipyards where the Titanic was built are commemorating the centennial of the launch of the ship and their subsequent massive fuck-up. Fantastic. :D

My body is in shambles. I pulled my thigh muscles running up and down the stairs to EVERY METRO STATION in Philly on Wednesday, and the next day I wrecked my lower back lifting a heavy object with improper posture. I would kick myself if I weren't in so much pain because I am usually meticulously careful about heavy lifting posture, and this is why. I'm down to just sitting and walking, movement-wise, and I can't even take long strides while I walk. Long strides are my thing that I do! YOU WERE FOOLISH, Z, AND YOUR CARELESSNESS HAS BEEN YOUR UNDOING.

Also, I haven't been able to clean in so many days and it is driving me nuts.

So me and Laptop (I still have yet to name my laptop, hey) are going to be best buds for a few days yet.


relia and
prodigy visited! I don't want to get too ramble-y here so I'll just go all Bob Dylan/INXS cue card for a moment.

"You're not the bathroom!" "That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me all week." Greek food festival! Foods I forgot the name of! Meat on a stick! Walkin' to the Rose Garden! Found a badass walking stick! So many sticks!

One of the benches in the garden was tagged all over with Loki lore. "Loki is a ticking clock." "Loki is a Fancy Dan (I made that one up)." "Loki is a penis whisperer." Penis whisperer sounds terribly classy to me, I'll not lie.

Farmer's market! Chicken cordon bleu! Rel was kind enough to humor me and accompany me on a drive, and her reward and mine was a DOUBLE RAINBOW (WHAT DOES IT MEAN?). Then Z was felled by a terrible headache (we were all getting sick one way or another and I thought I was going to be the only one on the Oregon Trail to survive, but alas). THEN: delicious Angie dinner! Then Wii! (Super Mario Galaxy for bee rubbing and adorable ghosts, Mario Kart for Gabe's demented Mii cackle.)

The next day we went to a tea house for brunch and I discovered the joy of almond cream-stuffed pancakes. It was a fairly delicious weekend.

Escape to Philadelphia

Angie and I took the train down to Philadelphia for the first time ever on Wednesday. It involves driving for an hour and sitting on the train for another hour, because sadly there are no rail lines between our city and Philadelphia (although Angie tells me there used to be, once upon a time). It takes at least a half an hour longer than a straight drive, and trying to catch the train home was a bit hectic (especially if you are Z and you run on ahead to use the bathroom before the train arrives and wind up in ALL THE WRONG METRO STATIONS before finding the station for the R train), but we saved a lot of gas and it was nice to be able to relax on the way home. I suspect we'll be taking the train again!

The original plan was a Lush run and dinner at a Cuban restaurant that was having a half-price menu, but it turns out that reservations fill up very quickly at restaurants with half-price menus, so we did the proper geeky thing and went to a Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives joint instead (namely Good Dog, NAMELY HALF-PRICE BEER). Also featuring a unisex bathroom with this symbol on the door. Also featuring Rel and Gabe, AGAIN! It's like they're everywhere! Maybe they are!

"Spore dorm porn" is fun to say. Try it.

City hall. They fixed the "Hard Cock Cafe" sign. :( BASTARDS.

Rittenhouse Square. I am kind of fascinated by green spaces in huge fuck-off urban areas (and green spaces in general, because my homeland is not very green at all).



Not much to report so far, aside from "I am enjoying it!" Always a plus. I feel pretty fortunate in that both of my pharmacists are great - nice but not coddling, and seem to have a good sense of humor - especially compared to tales of angry pharmacist overlords I've heard from techs who worked in other locations (angry pharmacist overlords that might throw medicine bottles at you if you put the wrong lid on them, for example).

My coworkers have also been - for the most part - patient and helpful. Not everyone is friendly, but everyone is polite. Not a bad place to work so far, though I have to see about getting more hours.

Also, Angie got me a pretty star spangle-y bracelet that I can wear at work because all my other jewelry has skulls on it and I feel that may be a tad inappropriate for my workplace. And I think the proceeds from the sale of the bracelet went to Alzheimer's research.

Walking with Hobbits

Since May 20th when I had 99.4 miles, I've increased my mileage to 112.4 miles (including 2.5 miles tooling around Philadelphia on Wednesday), which puts me past The Forsaken Inn, on day 7 near the Midgewater Marshes. That's the blue smudge on the map here! :D

Writing is Hard!

Hence I have not written lately!

However, thanks to Sage's and Kol's brilliance I cannot stop listening to Method Man's Riddler theme. Demented, brain cemented, rolling with Johnny Blaze and Bobby Steels? THAT IS JUST LIKE ARI.

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