Aug 12, 2005 21:26
not literally. at work. god this group of girls were pissing me off.
girl- "hi i have reservation under stephanie?"
me- "oh, okay, we have you're name down and we'll get you seated soon.
girl- "uh okay thank you." trying to be all snotty like she's hot shit but we know she ain't.
*6 minutes later
girl- "is my table ready yet? i have a reservation"
me- "yes it's coming soon."
girl- "okay, but i've been waiting for a real LONG time"(yea right)
me- "almost..."
*5 minutes later
girl- "uUH!" (makes this really weird sounding orgasmic moan) "Where is our table?"
me- "its COMING."
this ugly freaking 40 year old woman with shitty looking dyed hair that was all frizzy and stupid looking.
lady- "hellooo wheres our table? we're gonna be seated next right?"
me- "oh yes. soon"
lady- "cuz i've been waiting for over 20 minutes"
U fucking retard just cuz u have been waiting it doesn't matter.
me- "okay. i'll get you seated soon."
i was so motherfucking angry, i saw her in the bathroom, and i slammed the door open as hard as i could so it hit her face.
what a FCUNT ....
people piss me the hell off xpecially impatient customers