Respect, yo.

Dec 20, 2005 12:04

Strike! Yes people, unbelievable and surreal as it may sound, that's what it's come to.

Here we have what I feel is an eloquent speech given by the Transit Workers Union spokesman Roger Toussaint.

Here are various links to articles about the strike.Keep an eye out for the all the anti-union spin that you're sure to find.

Look people, a transit strike is a big fucking pain in the ass; I know, you know, they know- yes, we all fucking know, ok? But get over it. Recognize what this is about. Wake up and remember what side you are really on. See, for the rich folk, it's really just a small inconvenience that can be fixed with a couple of bucks in cab fair. Unfortunately for the working poor, it is a serious fucking hassle, it's true. But, if you can't recognize why the union is fighting this battle, then you really need to sit down and realize who is really to blame for this. It's not the union, it's your government. Get it? Seeing as this country is a democracy (read: plutocracy), that means that if the blame falls on the Government, then blame also falls partly on you, you bunch of idiots. There, I said it. I really don't want to blame you, seriously, I don't. Alright, I'm sorry. I know I'm a snotty bitch, so I take it back, it's not really your fault. Go ahead and hate on the union, call the transit workers greedy and whiny, but just remember your position on things the next time you open your mouth to whine about how low your own salary is, or how your company won't give you affordable health care.

The city is not a big machine. It is actually run by living breathing humans, and if they say "enough!" you better respect the fact that they might just be serious, and that is not something you want to fuck with. I may be a misanthropic bitch, but I'm hoping that the MTA and the current administration are learning a good, hard lesson.

Anyway, I'm not as eloquent a speaker as Roger Toussaint. Fuck Bloomberg, fuck Pataki, and fuck the MTA. (And fuck that stupid guy who almost ran me over this morning.)

Oh and Happy Holidays!

bitchiness, transit strike, nyc, twu in the hiz-ouse!, blame, politics

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