so i cant believe i actually got enough money to get more done on my tattoo tm. it sucks cause so far its been a month between the two sessions and its been the end of the month both times. that also happens to be when the goddamn knife payments for the home shopping network are due. oh well, i only owe $8. heh, those knives were worthless. but, im glad we did it. it was funny to get a box of hundreds of knvies. so any way. persus is next on my arm. its gunna be fucking radical.
its gunna be in proportion to the other one, so you can kinda see where its gunna go. the underside of my forearm. fuck, that is gunna hurt. IM EXCITED!!
p.s. its really only thanks to bonnie that i came up with funds to do this. i thank her for her un dying love. YAY!