Jan 21, 2011 05:44
Sitting in the car, houses & wind outside,
three in the morning, windows
obliterated by snow
coats & arms around each other, hands
cold, no place we can go
unable to say how much I want you
unable even to say
I am unable
Not that there is nothing to be
said but that there is
too much: this cripples me,
I watch with envy & desire,
you speak so freely.
Tell me something,
you ask at last, Anything.
To love is to let go
of those excuses, habits
we used once for our own safety
but the old words reappear
in the shut throat, decree
themselves: exile,
betrayal, failure.
Airplane makes it off
the runway, cars & houses deflate,
diesel air & stale upholstery,
smell of you still on my skin;
thinking of my reluctance, way I withdrew
when you came toward me, why did I.
Easier to invent, remember you
than to confront you, fact
of you, admit
you, let you in.
margaret atwood