Title: Be the One We Need
Characters: Nathan, Arthur, with mentions of Peter
Rating: PG
Prompt: Day 4
Words: 234
Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to Tim Kring, NBC, and other folks who aren’t me. This is for fun only, never profit.
“No,” Nathan whispered as he held his dying father’s hand. “Dad, no. Don’t leave me. I need you.”
Arthur closed both of his hands around his eldest son’s, using what little bit of energy he had left inside of him to lean forward.
“You are your own man now, Nathan. “ He smiled fondly up at Nathan, a wave of pride passing over his face. “You have become everything I’d hoped you would. You never disappointed me Nathan, not one day.”
“I can’t do this without you, Dad,” Nathan confessed. “I’m not strong enough.”
“You are,” Arthur coughed and Nathan could hardly bear to see his father like this, so weak and helpless, so unlike his true self. “You have to be. For Peter. He needs you more than you think, Nathan. Take care of him, son. Promise me that, that you’ll take care of your brother. No matter what.”
“I promise,” Nathan said, squeezing tears from the corner of his eyes as he blinked. He hated lying to his father, especially on his death bed, but he didn’t see any way that he could possibly take care of Peter when he didn’t even know how to take care of himself.
As the monitor flat-lined and the nurses began to scatter the room, Nathan backed himself again a wall, wishing that for once in his life, he could be the one that needed saving.