If anyone who actually takes a look at my journal has noticed that I've changed my layout about four times in the past two weeks, I tell them now that I WILL STOP THAT NOW. I like this current layout (and my new mood theme :D:D:D). I honestly just need to accept one layout and stick to it. Hah.
I think I'll do the latest meme from
hmd_tuesdays. Which was like 21 Aug. Hah
1. Think up your ultimate punishment for Officer Tritter and share it with me. Wilson exacts revenge with a white-hot spatula up the anus.
2. Which main character, if any, did you think of one way before season three started and by the end of S3 feel completely different towards? Cameron. I liked her before S3, and totally hated her afterwards. I lost all respect(?) for her after the whole Chase thing.
3. What episode in season three did you out and out adore? "Cane and Able" (it was amusing :3) and "Resignation"
4. What Season Three Storyline (and there are plenty to choose from, guys) did you truly hate more than any other? Tritter's a popular pick. Emo Foreman's a good choice. The Disappearing Ketamine Plot is a personal favorite. Go for it. I hated them all. Worst is probably the complete assassination of Foreman's character.
5. Greg House is standing in front of you - he's punched Chase, sorta-apologized to Wilson, kissed Cameron, grabbed Cuddy's ass, run eight miles, forged scripts, overdosed, and faked cancer. You get a choice: Hug House or smack him. Overall, keeping this entire past season in mind, which would you choose to do if you had the option? Why? Give 'im a nice slap across the face, then forgive him for his attempt to apologise and for grabbing Cuddy's ass (because seriously, who doesn't want to do that?).
I've got no real information to relay here. Sorry. Haha. Feel free to make random comments with no real purpose.