Jul 14, 2006 20:41
okay, so today i was on kelsey's myspace and i saw the lko thing chuck made... since when is she in lko? was there a vote? did i miss this? can i vote no? she's just too... too... i don't know. but i don't like this at all and i don't even know if i can be able to sleep tonight now.
not that i ever sleep.
i find something intersting in vunerable people. i don't know. i'm a sucker for a lost cause.
new flash- i'm also as loss for a life lately.
i don't do a damned thing anymore.
i went to court yesterday. finally, i'm done with court. now i get to start a new road i haven't traveled, probatopn! huzzah! i just can't wait. i also get to pay $75 for YES, an anti-theft program, that seems promising.
i'm taking me GED next week, wednesday and thursday. thank god, i'll be able to register for BCC.
fucking chris i am so bored.
bored. over this. done. fuck'd.
i just want to move on with my life. that's all i want. i want to be independent.
i'm also working on weight loss.
i want to look like nicole richie and lindsay lohan.
my hair's taking its precious time growing out, but something tells me it's worth the wait.
once i've watched extreme makover, everyother makeover show seems so pussy.