Sep 01, 2021 20:17
A bunch of wicked kick ass mans men.
Jimmy Buffett - Doesn't let anything get in the way of his liqour(spelling?). Plays sweet Island music and is just all around kick ass. Jimmy Buffett is NOT!!! country...becasue Jimmy Buffett is good!
Tommy lee - banged Pamela Anderson...Drummer?
Billy Bob Thorton - damn good actor, who has tatoos of like random stuff all over his body. man handled Angelina Jolie for a while (and it takes a real man to do that). Complete bad ass in all aspects of the phrase.
Tommy Lee Jones - (Not to be confused with Tommy Lee) Hard ass all the way. Makes weak men cry with the sight of his face. Looks like the type who would kick your ass if you even made a second glance at his women.
Brett Farve - quarterback in the NFL (the most punishing sport in the world) for 15 years now, and hasn't missed a game in 14 years, play offs included. Played with a BROKEN THROWING HAND for most of last season. Other injuries include partial hip fractures, torn biceps, ACL tears. In the superbowl against the patriots in 1996 was carried down the field by his offensive linemen for the winning score, becasue of a torn quad. Probably has balls equivlent to the size of the moon, and the penis like an elephants trunk.
Me - well im just an all around total bad ass.
Honorable mention....
Navy Seals
Army rangers
Black people