
Aug 01, 2021 19:45

Have you ever just sat in your chair and thought about what you would be, or where your life would be if it where not for a certain person? Ever thought about the ruin your life would be if for not this person who you love? This person for me is the embodiment of what it means to bebeautiful. There is NO ONE on the whole planet who id rather share a moment with, share a bed with, share a life with. Every day its a new surprize, and a new story. Never before my current relationship with this "Mystery" women had i ever been in love, as a matter a fact, i never intended to fall in love, and I dont think anybody ever does, but ive never been happier. With that cold Febuary day permanently carved into my memory, i will never forget all those beautiful moments and laughy times, and im looking forward to all the beautiful moments and laughy times we have for the next infinity years, becasue i certainly intend on loving you that long. YOU inbody me YOU make me YOU are my reason for my heart to keep beating, and the key to that heart opening up, I love you and i dont say it enough. You dont get the credit you deserve for keeping me inline, and being the glue that keeps all of us from growing up to quickly. I know you better than i know myself, but you seem to have me pretty covered. In a day and age when being older is everything, you remind me of what its like to be 15 again. becasue God knows that we all need to be ourselves a little more. I eternily trust you and love you, and saying i love you is an understatement becasue it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of how much i need you to live. And i dont care if this makes sense to anyone else because i just need it to make sense to me and you. You make me what i am. This mystery woemn who by now i think we've all figured out, makes me what I am, and is a large part of everyone. She has as much hate in her and i have estrogen in me. And she is three times as beautiful as she is hot. No one sweeter, no one more elegant, no one more wonderful. Thats how my world works baby, and without you, it wotn anymore. I love you so much baby, yea hear that folks!!!! I LOVE Tory, more than anything and anyone in the whole universe.
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