Comment to 'Introducing the Spn_BigPretzel Summer of Fun Comment Fic Challenge' by dizzojay in…

Aug 24, 2019 18:18

Sam could see the large, cool glass of water waiting just ahead of him. Droplets of condensation glittered in the bright, golden sunlight that shone from directly overhead. He smacked his lips and reached out with one hand, then two, before stretching out both with all his might.

A hand landing on his shoulder jolted him awake from his dream, the small rowboat he was lying in swayed alarmingly under the sudden motion. He blinked, screwing his eyes up against the harsh glare of the sun that beat down on them mercilessly.

"You were crying out in your sleep," explained Dean apologetically, wincing as his parched lips cracked from the effort of speaking.

"Water," croaked Sam, his mouth unbearably dry.

Dean shrugged, his eyes hollow pits of despair. "Yeah, all around us, but not a drop we can drink."

"The Great Salt Lake's one of the most saline inland bodies of water in the world," said Sam in his lecturing voice, while still looking somewhat crazed.

"You're such a nerd, said Dean with an affectionate tone. He sighed. "I'm so sorry, it was my dumb idea to hire a rowboat. I just wanted to get you out of the bunker and some fresh air in those lungs." He rubbed his stomach absently as it rumbled, but they'd already eaten their remaining provisions earlier when the gnawing hunger had grown too much.

There was a formula for times such as these, so Sam pulled his brother into a firm bear-hug. Despite the strong emotion, he still found himself distracted by the potential moisture content of the single perfect tear that rolled down Dean's cheek.

"I just want you to know," snuffled Dean, "if we don't make it out of here-"

He was interrupted by the roar of an onboard motor and a hearty greeting as a boat drew up beside them. It was Dave, the guy that had rented them their rowboat.

"You seemed such confident rowers went you set off," said Dave remorsefully. "It was only after the seventh time I saw you go past in the same direction that I realized you might be in trouble."

Sam grabbed the proffered bottle of water and guzzled it greedily, before remembering his manners and passing the last remaining third to Dean with a shamefaced expression.

"Thanks. How long were we stranded out here?"

"Er... about three hours," replied their rescuer, trying his best to hide his smile.

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