Title: Look Back in Wrath
TheYmp Artist:
Milly-Gal Pairings: n/a
Rating: T / 15
Word count: ~7K
Warnings: Memories of abuses suffered in Hell. Thoughts of self-harm and torture.
Summary: A death so violent and horrifying that it echoes back in time. How do you salt and burn a vengeful spirit when it's you that's haunting yourself? Canon divergent. Time travel. Set in the bunker, approximately season 9 and referencing events in later seasons.
Notes: Thank you, Milly-gal, for first encouraging me to enter, and then serendipitously choosing this work in order to create some outstandingly awesome artwork.
Fic link:
TheYmp:AO3 Art link:
Milly-Gal:LiveJournal Check out the other entries at
SPN HorrrorBang.