(no subject)

Sep 21, 2008 13:29

Your Name/Alias: Raina
Age: 19
Character: Gailardia Galan Gardios - Or just Guy Cecil
Series: Tales of the Abyss
Character Age: 21
Canon:When the lands of the world risk collapsing into a highly poisonous goop, who are you going to call? Certainly not the spoiled rotten son of a duke and his personal servant, that's for sure. But beggars can't really be choosers, and when your main villain views using the poisonous goop as the quick fix-it to all the problems in the world, it's really better to resort to swords, not words. Guy is the personal servant in this scenario, and he tries to be the voice of reason for the party, though he does have his failings.

Guy is, for the most part, a pretty sensitive guy, no puns intended. He seems to be the most in tune with when something is wrong with someone else, or typically is good at reading signs on what a guy should or shouldn't say. This makes him a pretty mellow kind of person, and it truly takes a lot to get him angry. Though, he is, of course, not above giving someone a punch or two should they deserve it. This would almost make him the perfect, well, guy, if not for two things: the fastest way to Guy's heart is through technology. Oh, and Guy is very gynophobic. Loyal, smart, handsome, he'll follow you to the ends of the earth! Just... no touching, please, ladies.

Note: Fontech is the Abyss equivalent of technology. Belkend and Sheridan are the cities where it is manufactured.

Sample Post:

I should have known that this advertisement was too good to be true. A place with more advanced fontech than Belkend and Sheridan combined? And now that I'm here, I'm really wondering what this director's definition of 'advanced' is. I guess there could be something here, but the entire land is looking really undeveloped, and there's a serious monster problem to boot. Log cabins don't exactly say 'technologically advanced people' after all.

Besides, fontech as an arts and craft activity seems really odd, now that I think about it. I mean... The CT 2004 sounds like something new and amazing, but it's really just a modified piece of technology. And now I'm pretty sure I'm lost. I guess it can't get much worse than this, can it? I think I can ask this guy for directions at least... Excuse me, I'm going to take a guess, but you look like you've been here for awhile! While I'd like a map to go by, the only one I could find was a map to candy mountain. And I really have no clue what a leopleurodon is... Anyway, can you point me in the direction to get out of here? But, uh, please don't remove your hand to show me. I'll get the general idea, thanks.

That was awkward, and I'm not to certain about the grin that guy was giving.... But I'm pretty sure that he can't help where his skin is rotted off. But then again, with the false advertising this place has, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that he was planning something. Plus, the general atmosphere is kind of... off. I mean... toucans that say, "You really are out of your fucking mind!"? I guess anyone would be wary.

I should have noticed that sooner. After all, it's not like there's going to be any sort of fontech here at -- oh! A... a fonbot?! Looks like a guide, according to the model number! That's way more than I was expecting here! And it looks like one of the newer models too... Look at how sleek and smooth the metal is! I don't get the 'put it in' part of the advertisement, it's probably talking about the power cell, but this is definitely what I came to Camp Fuck U Die for! Now, let's see. I don't think they'll mind if I look on the inside, right? Right, fontech is all about discovery after all! Let's see what this baby can do!

... Huh? What sort of equipment is this?! This i-is a... a FEMALE ROBOT?! Damn it, it's a trap! How m-much pain does a guy have to go through for his ho-- UWAAAH!

G-great, it activated...

Voting went down here and Guy got an 87.8% approval rating! Next stop, THE PRESIDENCY.

*app, *ooc

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