Title: Two Roads Diverged (3/10)
icedteainthebagWord Count: 34,420
Rating: MA
Pairings: Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Warnings: None, just some sexin'
Summary: Sometimes we make mistakes when we think we're doing the right thing.
Notes: See Chapter One, thank you to my frakking awesome betas.
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All she wanted was to cry without being heard.
All she wanted was to feel something good.
I think this captures the cold barrenness of New Caprica. And Laura's feelings about the tent. That she might prefer stars to canvas at this point. It's a well-captured sentiment on your part. And I like that Laura bites her lip at the end of her porny thoughts and she bites her lip when Ellen leaves at the end of this chapter.
So much of the wonderfulness of this is in the details you offer and Laura's reticence to go into the market (and thinking of how that must make her feel) - that was a nice detail. And speaking of nice details, Ellen's chipped fingernails. It was kind of a nice callback to her plea for a pedicure in Chapter 1.
I'm still stuck on the end section. Because it's so damn good. And Laura's need to believe that Bill is out there. And Ellen's willingness to trade Bill to keep Saul. So. Good.
(edited because I just find more to love)
Thank you SO much for this. That scene was one of the ones I had the hardest time with. They're so tricky to write, and it was hard to write that argument without it seeming over the top or comical.
And I like that Laura bites her lip at the end of her porny thoughts and she bites her lip when Ellen leaves at the end of this chapter.
The things I don't even notice until they're pointed out... I love that it worked out for you.
I like that you pick up on some of the details... I think I referred to them as "bread crumbs" to nnaylime, I scatter all these little things through the story hoping people will pick up on them from time to time. It's a game. Because I am a nerd ;)
Honestly, I love that you're loving this story. It means a lot to me because I really value your opinion on these things and I think you're a fabulous writer.
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