Title: Two Roads Diverged (6/10)
icedteainthebagWord Count: 34,420
Rating: MA
Pairings: John Cavil/Ellen Tigh, Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes we make mistakes when we think we're doing the right thing.
Notes: See Chapter One, but specific thanks on this chapter go to
tjonesy and
MrsDrJacksonLink to Art:
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I picture them both sniffing around each other (metaphorically, or not!) like a couple of territorial dogs... they're such strong, dynamic women, and they're all twisted up in this complicated quadrangle of a relationship the four of them have been thrust into. I could totally see them trying to figure each other out since they met.
I tried to make Laura's comfortability with drinking progress as the situation got worse on NC. Nice that you noticed that detail.
I was relieved for them too... and this scene I worked over at least four times. There's a huge outtake that I'll probably post as a standalone at some point (it's a sex scene between them). I know that probably makes you sad (it made me sad to cut it!!) but it didn't fit with the characters and their relationship at all at this point in the story.
Thanks for reading and for the fantastic feedback. We authors kinda live for this stuff ;)
And I will... just have to work a few things around so it doesn't seem like it's some sort of deleted scene. :)
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