Title: Two Roads Diverged (7/10)
icedteainthebagWord Count: 34,420
Rating: MA
Pairings: John Cavil/Ellen Tigh, Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Warnings: Dubcon, physical violence
Summary: Sometimes we make mistakes when we think we're doing the right thing.
Notes: See Chapter One, but specific thanks on this chapter go to
somadanne and
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Laura had resigned herself to the fact that solace, whenever she found it, never lasted for long. She took it for what it was worth, without expectations.
This line makes me hurt so much for Laura. I hate the fact that having her happiness snatched away is something she's gotten so used to.
My heart breaks for Ellen during her reunion with Saul. It's exactly what Ellen wanted but it's tainted by what's happened to Saul and what's happened to her while he was away. But, I love how she is still absolutely certain that it was worth it just to have him back. They're both so loving with one another that it makes me even more sick over the inevitable conclusion to this story.
In other words, I still want to hug Laura and Ellen and I'm starting to think you're kind of an asshole again.
I'm an asshole.
Thank you... I love this feedback, I'm happy you found the scene with Laura and Ellen realistic. It's under completely unusual circumstances, something that will probably never happen again between them (well, we know it doesn't, but something they probably know won't as well), but I think it was important for both of them to have that.
Sorry I broke your heart with the Tigh reunion. I so want them to be happy. It's sad, and yes, even more sad with the inevitable conclusion.
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